Saturday, September 30, 2006 at2:49 AM
it hab been many donkey years ever since moi last post...
was busy?should b lazy...haa...shall roughly blog wat happen lately ba...hee
wed, wen out wit mummy to raffles place at the soup spoon dere and hab our lunch...hee...we ate potato wedges and a "breaded soup"...can't finish it...haa...

dis ish wat i hab finish eating...left wit the base uneaten...haa...look a little disgusting ba...hee...the soup was the BEST soup i hab tasted (=
on fri wen to church and sort of study? hee...in the end all of us were playing BINGO...lolx...so fun wen loads of ppl join...lolx...finally wen was abt to go home tat time martin jonathan and i play 10 by 10 bingo...which means 100 numbers! hee...it took long time to feng chu sheng fu!haha...jonathan won den left me and tin...I WON!! (=
after which wen to tuition, great disappointment but den no more!hee...shall continue going to chem tuition even though finish N levels (= wanted to let some ppl noe tat even after N i still can go back...thought ownself beri cleber lyk tat...stoopid lyk shit...
wen to bed early yesterday...hee
today as usual wake up early for tuition...2 hours long =,=" den wen back to stary land...wake up not long ago...haa...shall blog finish le den go for tuition again...
Sunday, September 24, 2006 at3:04 AM
nowadays seldom update blog no time busy playing KONGKONG! =D
nth much happen to me juz went to church on fri and sat nor...hee...
upload song for moi blog =)
everyone juz enjoy it =))))))))))))))))
Monday, September 18, 2006 at5:13 AM
yesterday wen bugis =) bought a shirt hee...nth else le ='( stoopid...i hab limited clothes =,=" i wan more! hee...
today wen to sch wit nth except a green pen plus money and mirror XD haa...
got back moi prelim marks for english and Amaths today and chinese ish before holidays...
ENGlish - 57/100
AMAths - 66/100
CHINese - 68/100
dis ish DAMN bad u noe! haiz N level lyk tat i die ar...cuz prelim didn't really study juz look through nia...
hmmm...tml getting back more ba..so worried for moi O level emaths de result =S if i get less den 70 i would kill moiself ='(
today wen home straight home and slp =,=" haa slept till 7 plus stoopid sis wake me up and ask me to eat dinner...haa..sianz if she gonna do tat again i gonna strangle her!!!!!!!! shall upload some photo which i mention in moi previous post...

dis ish alicia's master PIECE! lolx...violent de yao si!

stoopid me using stoopid umbrella...lolx! i lyk dis pic...hee...

blur boon and me...stoopid aunt and me went to PARTY WORLD wit mei lin jiejie and ting =D
Saturday, September 16, 2006 at11:06 AM
morning wake up late and moi tuition teacher end up waiting at moi hse...so ke lian...haa...
get a quick bathe and POOF! was outside moi doorstep and saw him reading newspaper lolx...say sorry and tat's it...lolx...
after tuition, wo go out wit moi aunt, sis and mei lin jiejie...haa...first we went for lunch, 'you ji mian' den in mei lin jie jie's cars going around chinatown dere cuz we can't find the place =,="
FINALLY we found it den went in sit dere sing for 4 hours =D haa...long hours but we are not tired...haa...we went back lata cuz wo you tuition =,=" stoopid...thought can stay longer...
went tuition den actually ish go dere play...haa...stoopid ar! mei yee bought two pencil SO CUTE! wo ye YAO!!! she dun wan gib me =( reach home at around 9.30pm..eat dinner and i hardly touch it, papa finish the rest for me =)
and now sitting in front of the com in aunt hse blogging and play runescape =D stoopid bloody hell! wei xiao pasta can't find the di shi ji! hab to ask mei yee again =,="
Friday, September 15, 2006 at9:02 AM
hab been slping over at aunt's place cuz her husband went overseas...WATCHING WEI XIAO PASTA EVERYDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so NICEY!!!!!!!!! hee...now ish at episode 8 onli...lolx...
TODAY finally all paper finish! lolx...wen to chua chua place and hab FUN!tink she got fed-up wit US and say tat's so lyk childcare centre...lolx! went home wit chua's accompany and guess wat...SHE BROKE HER UMBRELLA and all i can say ish CHUA Y U SO VIOLENT?! lolx...shall up load the broken umbrella another day...
at 7 wen for tuition and as usually...i went in z ask me for chocolate =,=" i say dun hab nor...
as usually tap moi shoulder den act nth happen...haa...but i look pale juz now...and z ask me wat happen y i so lian qing chuan bai...i dunno wat happen to me..lolx..at first i wen in z use BIG EYES look at me...lolx...can't control but to laugh...haa...z nonsense today...lolx...di xiao ppl...after the first session wo go 7-11 to buy sweet..z bring two bars of chocolate ask me buy =,=" lolx..wen I bought moi tinks le me n maisha wen back first and wen crossing the road, I dunno y I turn back n saw him waving at me..haa..lolx.....wen home at 10.30pm...suan early le lo...first time sia...den z in another classroom wit frenz and i walk out turn back z put face at the window and lyk small kid lyk tat wit the pathetic face dere wave at me...lolx! i say bye and went home =)
moi tuition teacher comment on skirt =,=" say too short den ask me to go home wit maisha and call her wen i reach home =,="""""""""" lolx...moi skirt ish not tat short nor..dunno y she say tat and ask me cannot wear le again =( haa...
Tuesday, September 12, 2006 at8:56 AM
today de papers are fine and moi SLEEPINESS ish getting worse...stoopid...dunno y...hmmm...went to pp today and i not in the mood blog le...bye!
Monday, September 11, 2006 at8:37 AM
haa....hab been beri lazy lately....didn't really feel lyk study and today i juz finish O level maths paper one prelim...I DUNNO HOW TO DO THREE QNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AH!!!!!!!!!!! it's terrible! ='(
three bloody qns get me into deep soup but mayb i should tink it the other way round? those were one marks each so shouldn't really mind? haa...stooopid...
geo paper i was lyk writing rubbish...so damn sleepy nor...now reading or mayb i should say browsing through physic text for tml prelim...dis ish getting more and more stoopid...i starting to lyk physic =,=" haa
today went out wit stal after sch...we go tamp to get her phone done and we waited so longg! haa...but worth it...cuz c her phone spoil also ti ta nan guo...den we went to pei ta eaaat and guess wat? i serve moi DARLING! hee...she better b thankful to me cuz i didn't tat to other ppl be4...haaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we went to buy keychains** and went to LIBRARY to study! can u believe it? haa we went to cafe at first den we go off...hee...i noe we sound stoopid but i dun lyk the chair dere...so ICY FREEZY COLD! =S so we went to the kid's level and we did our studies dere! hee...got one kidd keep on saying bear bear zai na li...lolx!!!!so funny ar...u noe wat i mean...LOLX!
haa...smsing moi pri sch frenz =*) while waiting for moi aunt to come back home =,=" stoopid nor she go Kbox...! i wan go also!!!!stoopid...i noe i shouldn't hab go out today so i gotta go study PHYSIC NOW! =D
Saturday, September 09, 2006 at7:41 AM
wa...habing BAD headache =S since yesterday =,=" so neber update blog...i shall do it now...haa
YESTERDAY went to church again and study! =) den lata wen to tuition...haa...teacher sick *AhChOo* by some reasons i gotta drink bubble tea...haa...from dunno wat ish his name...haa...say i didn't wan but he open his eyes real BIG...hee...so i take it...by somehow i seems to b his sweet provider also...haa...it's ok...lolx...wen home after tat say loads of cats!and ppl quarrel...so scare sia! i alone dere...den i rush home...
This are the photo which we took at church yesterday =) almost all looks the same =,="

TODAY! so so fUn!!!woke up 8 plus den 9.15am lyk tat went out to the bridal studio wit ah yi and yi zhang, mum and sis!!!!haa...ah yi takings her wedding photo =) she ish SO SO PRETTY!!!! we stay dere till 3 plus 4 plus lyk tat! so long but the process of her making up doing her hair style ish veri interesting! u wun get tired!and after her tink the hair stylist cum make-up-per do moi brows! haa...she tell me loads of her tinks and ask if i m interested in joining her teaching classes...haa...i OF CUZ interested but i shall wait till i reach the age of 20 plus den learn cuz it cost 3K leix..muz wait till i get a job...she ish SO FRIENDLY and she can say ish the best stylist and make-up artist i hab ever seen...! after which i wen orchard wit mummy and ting wen to sentosa wit moi aunt and her dar for outdoor photo taking...i didn't go cuz of tuition and cab far can b quite ex =( it's ok cuz i will also still get to c her photo...!haa...i shall upload some but not all for now cuz it's lyk LOADS! haa...no no no! i change moi mind i shall not upload the photo...TOO BEAUTIFUL LE! not for u all to c...BLEAHX! =b
`tWo haLF
Thursday, September 07, 2006 at1:31 PM
wa!!!! can't get any slp arrr!!!! now ish already 4.26am!!!!!!!!
hmmmm...hab been online-ing till now...wat happen to me?!?!?!?!
nebermind...lucky nigel help me dl songs and chat wit me...TKZ YOU! haaa...and surprisingly mummy online!!!heee...now i noe hu are owls le!! today totally another wasted day...doing nth but wasting time whole day...guo yi tian shi yi tian...
WA!!!!terrible send song till halfway through dc twice!!!ah!!!!
i hate it! =,="
well tink i shall skip slping tonitx cuz till now i m ENERGETIC!!! not tired but juz now was terribly tired dunno y mayb dis few days i hab been slping too much =)
check again it's 4.37am...haaa...i m taking moi own sweet time posting cuz i can afford to waste moi whole entire time on dis...hee...
AH! now firewalls is gibing me problems!no choice but he hab to send me through sharing files...tink it's also gibing me problems too...
nth better to do so watch full house the 11th times over youtube...this ish how bored i can get...haa
now the time ish 4.47am listening wu ke qun de wo you zui over youtube also...while waiting for moi show to load...it ish taking such long time to load man! wait wait wait ish wat i can do right now :@
kkx larx shall blog till here or else lata dc again i m gonna go mad man...lolx...take a look at the time again, it's 5.03am =)
Wednesday, September 06, 2006 at10:43 PM
Yesterday daddy brings laptop away without telling me so cannot update blog…till now laptop ish still MIA!
Went to Chinatown dere for breakfast den wen to suntec, marina and raffles place to shop…so tired! But at least bought sumtink to satisfy moiself…wauahahahaha!! Lips hab been beri dry so buy a lipbalm with city rose colour =) bought shoes from TinkleBell =D after shopping and stuffs, on the way home mummy suddenly say wanna go swimming and we went dere! All decision ish lyk so last minute! Rushing lyk hell…wen reach home we change and rush to the swimming complex to SWIM =,=” got a mad guy dere! Stand in the middle of the pool and keep on scolding vulgar! Haa…wen going home tat time, mummy couldn’t find us…haa…so funny! She make a big fuss abt it and thought me and moi sis lost! Hee…went home after tat…
AH! Finally can slp till 11 plus gonna 12! Hee…dun say wo lazy but reali tired and haben been slping good for the past months…hen xiang grandma =S lata gonna hab tuition for two hours dunno will fall aslp anot… shall post till here…continue next time round…
Tuesday, September 05, 2006 at3:40 AM
dis ish already moi 5th blog...haa...hab been signing up and deleting blogs since last year...hee...hmmm...finally now tink wun delete le ba...
Finish ss and chinese paper for 'N' level le...at least no needa study for dis two sub le..qing song!
so tired today...i hab been spending moi time on CREATING blog since juz now...so ma fan...actually wanted to absent moiself from the ss paper de but in the end came...a ABSENT on ur cert ish better den a F9 ritx? haa...gonna slp early tonitz =)

Anyway i juz upload dis pic into com...nice? I LUBB U STAL! *MuaCkz*
*[i lyk got blue eyes?!]