Tuesday, October 31, 2006 at2:14 AM
i sprain moi ankle so shall blog another day )=
Wednesday, October 25, 2006 at9:22 PM
so so so tired dis few days...even no mood to post a blog man...
wen to meet mummy for lunch wit ah yi yesterday...actually onli me and ah yi go eat curry mee wan but in the end change plan...so we wen to ikea instead and eat fantastic meal (=
lata which we take cab bak to mummy's office...haa...stay dere for quite sometimes and play her com...lolx...go online den help stal change her blogskin and stuff...
after which me n ah yi wen to julia and do her wedding preparation stuff...hmmm...den went to raffles place for soup...lolx...the soup spoon (=
damn delicious =D
den ah yi wen to meet yi zhang n i went walking dere alone wait for mummy finish her work...lolx...dun wan mention the mrt...make me go mad!! =@
stoopid...ah!!! reali reali going to go mad ='(
Saturday, October 21, 2006 at9:58 AM
shall not post much today...bad mood...shall post photos now..............haix........

tat's all...neoprints other days...............................................
Thursday, October 19, 2006 at9:47 AM
wen out wit gordon, peiyi, zheng zhong, zhi yao, chenyu, martin, cho aik & kenneth today (=
hab a great time...reali =D
first MR CHANG ZHI YAO let use wait and i m the first to reach dere and wait for everyone for one hour! ='( den we wen to orchard for movie , death notes, which was lyk not wat i expected...u noe wat...the movie poster take the photo of 'L' and it ish lyk 'shuai man'...but in the movie ish lyk 'wa lao...so ugly!' haiz...and i wen dere to watch 'L' =,=" starting of the show was a little boring den waited dunno how long den L come out...haa...hmmm...okok den after which it gets a little boring again den suddenly it juz end lyk tat...! i was lyk...so so so angry...cuz the show a little messy den the tink they film ish lyk all in the comic tat i hab read and not the full version wan!!!
haa...lata on wen to take neoprint and i lyk it beri much!!!!!!!!!!! with gordon stoopid face and martin keep on falling down...haaaa!!!!!!!!! after which we wen to eat our late lunch some of us cum breakfast...hee...wen on to pool fushion!
go dere find melvin and we play pool...ok...i suck at pool =,=" gordon teach me le but i still feel tat i m lyk a kuku no strength somemore the ball can fly a short distance wan...lolx...plus photo hunt (=
CHANG ZHI YAO and GORDON FOO SO pian tai! choose the babe wan =,=""""""""" si pian tai!!!!!!!!!
i enjoy moiself BERI much and would wan to go out wit u guys again (= hahaZ...so so tired now but off to play auditionsea (=
***guys...next would b bowling =D & shall upload our neoprints another day (=
Wednesday, October 18, 2006 at10:32 AM
haiz...today moody ='(
hoping all moi WISHES will come true...
shall enjoy moiself tml (=
juz can't wait...
post till here...
Tuesday, October 17, 2006 at8:35 AM
wen for dance practice today...lata noe tat mr ger and jacky neber come and all was lyk SLACK...lolx...but how i wish jacky was here...today whole body was aching especially the tighs and moi stomach dere...muscle was aching everyway ='(
but it ish worth it...haa...lata wen to fscc wit gang and mummy...haa...but left after a while...hee...wen eat ice-cream and go home **
now stuck at ah yi hse..haa...off to play le...was wondering y moi wei xiao pasta y so long still haben upload? )=
Monday, October 16, 2006 at4:54 AM
yesterday wen to bbq and reali hab a great time dere...haa...tired...
today slp till 12 plus one...but still as tired...dunnno y...wen to dance at 3.30 and the exercise can kill me...AH!!!! but the steps ish easy to catch and i lyk it as jacky say tat we would b doing sometink lyk high sch musical for SYF!!! sososososososossoSO excited and happy (=
now at aunt hse...shall play kongkong now...
Friday, October 13, 2006 at1:43 AM
exams are all over...no more studies in moi life at least for the time being (=
holidays are now wat i m enjoying now...haa...
the day be4 i went to eat M as a mini celebration for mummy passing her exams (=
den we went to cold wear and bought winter wear..HA! i bought the coat, so call hat, so called scraf and gloves (= still getting somemore tinks...wen got time...looking forward for moi trip to korea =D
yesterday wen to chua hse den we go to parkway and bugis for job hunting n we waiting for news now but i dun tink i stand a chance wen i need off days on monday n tue cuz of dance...but i would rather choose dance den work (=
after which meet ah yi and wen to choose her wedding photos...we hab to choose 93 photos over 100 over =,=" took a long time and still hab to choose another 30 for the CD den lata potrait and desktop...signature ban wan ish damn funny...haaa
after tat we went to meet yi zhang and hab our dinner at east coast beach dere...dinner finish folo by going to the jetty dere 'blow wind'
went home watch tebe and was lyk so TIRED! so decide not to go out but juz came back from KFC...haa...shall blog til here (=
Sunday, October 08, 2006 at10:10 AM
FINALLY DONE WIT MOI BLOGSKIN!!!!!!!!hee...new start? haha...
wen to people's park dere for breakfast den eat de hen u kai xin! )=
actually wan go another place eat de!!!! sobx...
anyway den go to bugis, papa wan buy his ampi tinky [stoopid...y man all lyk ampi?!]
FINALLY wen to suntec...den can go shop (=
bought a book--> shopeholic! hee...new version wan...sad news ish..we wen home after tat...dad got his tinks to do...
boreed...frustracted...wen slping till 7.30...mizz 30mins of moi AI QING MO FA SHI!
nebermind...9pm watched the gu zai xing huang huang...thought ghost show but in the end....DOTZ!!!!
den watch fullhouse [again =,="] through scv for the last episode...so nice!
tml got paper 1 amaths...good luck for me! off i go (=
Friday, October 06, 2006 at10:02 AM
finally waited for today but it's juz another disppointment..haix...nebermind...would hab the chance again wan (=
today hab moi maths paper two and it was easy =D lucky for tat but still a little worried for moi eng...
sometinks happen shall not b mentioned...mentioned jiu mei you yi yi le...hee...
monday and tuesday ish Amaths paper...shall work hard for it as i wan to take tat as moi of three for me to get to sec 5...nowadays not in the mood...shall blog till here...so long...
`elEVEn half
Wednesday, October 04, 2006 at5:28 AM
hee...haben been mentioned abt moi lovely boi!!---> bailey!

at1:52 AM
finally blogging again (=
hab been real buzy wit?studies?
haa....qing song duo le now!left wit emaths paper one and A maths paper onli...adn summore
hee...can slp till late late le...haa...wa...scare eng will fail...cuz dunno whether compo got write till out of point anot...den fnn confirm fail wan...single digit...cuz didn't bother to memories anytink...haa...
today wen to chua hse after chem and physic paper...we say study but in the end slack around, hab lunch dere (meat was delicious) den watch i not stoopid 2...haa..tinkning of dropping fnn next year (=
off to play kongkong and watch moi wei xiao pasta le...long time no play liaox...so long...............................................................................................................................................