hmmm...finally gotten moi gown from daniel yan...haa...hmmm...simple but sweet (=
nth much happen lately so shall post till here (=
hmmm...shal not post often till i got moi broadband back (=
kkx..dis ish today wan...haa...
well, today i hab moi Os level maths paper 2...it's lyk so-so...haa...shall get back moi result den noe...haa...
(sound familiar?...i tink onli noe...haa!)
finally no more books in moi life[ except moi storybook(= ] ! yesh! no more going back for tuition le [ sad ] but a break for me as no more tuition at home [ yesh! ] haa...
quite happy tat ********************....hee...! happy till i got nth to blog le...lolx...!
nitz everyone =D
dis ish two days ago de post...haa...save as draft instead of publish it...hee...
so so tired? ya wen shopping today...went to find gown for ah yi's wedding next year (=
try loads of daniel yen's design wan but not reali lyk anyone of it...sis bought hers already...haa...i shall wait for another new series design...haa!
first in the morning we wen to eat curry mee as i super mizz it! it's so so delicious (=
after breakfast we wen to eat tian ping...duan dan...but change owner le n i can tell u...it's horrible...i prefer last time tat wan )=
den we wen on our hunting for gown...mum's found herself one...truefully it reali suit her...but it's costly...9oo plus so muz consider at least a day...haa...den we wen on to eat our lunch at deng tai feng...n ah yi say her "frenz" tat she dislike but juz chat a while den i can say it's lyk disturbing us larx...lolx...
wen on shopping n den as i mention earlier sis bought her gown le den we took cab home as mummy ish rushing for time...haa...reach home hab dinner le jiu go fetch mummy at 8...bailey tag along too...haa...first time bailey sit daddy's car...hee...
shall blog till here...nitz everyone
haa...i m back to post post & POST! (=
today was lyk a more serious audition?hee...
mr G n jacky was the judge n moi group ish number eight so we waited outside for our turn...
haha...wen waiting outside, me n rohana was lyk keep on disturb ppl by saying stop it! haa...so fun!!!
wen we get in, i do moi best? maybe? haa...but den i look at mr g face i neber smile...y? i also dunno...
after all groups hab dance already, ish the "judges" time to comments and surprisingly, he said tat moi group hab chemis ^,^ but juz tat i m lack of smile...haa...mayb becuz xinyi n shahida are moi "family" ? haaa!!!!!!!
actually while dancing, moi knee reali hurts )= now still considering whether to go c a doc anot...haish! but still i m looking forward to noe how's our performance today...next week den they wil tell us...
kkx...reading moi storybook le...nitx everyone (=
aiyo...dunno wat happen dis few days dunno wat happen to moi health =,="
sat n sun dou nose bleed...den moi ankle hao bu rong yi recover now ish moi knee...i didn't noe can "sprain knee"?!?!?!
dotx...how m i supposed to do? lata got audition for "we r all in dis together"...die...i mux reali work for it...! wish me luck (=
morning wake up moi right eye swollen =,="""""""""""""""""" how...?lata dance wit swollen eyes?! ah!! )=
kkx...shall blog till here...
can c moi blog rusting le...haa...long time no post le...anyway shall start now...
wen to fort canning park c SOUL!!!!!!!!!!!! wohoo!!!!! haa..ISHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! change his hair colour and style (=
sometink bad abt it ish fort canning was lyk mother of all sauna...tell u i can loose weight by juz standing dere! was sweating lyk a running tap =,="
actully it's not a concert ish the kidney foundation tinky...but i tink most ppl buy the tickets ish not for the donation purpose but to c their idol?lolx...i went wit chua n sis...we got complementary tickets...it's free but actually it's the same as ppl standing wit tickets cuz we got to stand together wit ppl who bought tickets...so ppl hu bought tickets muz b real mad cuz it's 70 bucks plus plus...
shinyas hair style change too...n i mizz his voice...dunno y but i lyk his voice n beside him ish misaki...!haa...so cute...
soul sang 3 songs n another song ish juz for dance and all i can say ish SWEET! so so so nice...haa...after seeing their performance, all those standing for hours n q-ing for hours plus kanna biten by little little cricket, it's all worth =D realli gonna wait for their first album...hee

... sparkling stage =D
wen to ppl's park for breakfast after which wen to chinatown n walk n seriously dun ever go to chinatown in the afternoon unless u lyk charcoal =,="
wen over to tm popular n get a book for maths den walk around n wen straight home...den daddy park his car at multi carpark, mummy n sis wen to wash car..ha! me n dad sit at the void deck dere do our work...daddy do his work tinky n i study for Os maths..hee...den wen over to inter do his spec after which jiu come back home for dinner n watch ai qing mo fa shi (= sweet =D
paper was easy n will work more towards paper 2...hope to get high marks...after the paper jiu go inter meet chua den jiu came home le...saw clement n xiexie ni pei wo walk...haa...now posting n juz change moi blog skin...hee..bought sam lee's cd le...haa...a bit too late ar...lolX! kkz...gonna prepare le...going dance (=