Saturday, March 31, 2007 at11:55 PM
today ish aunty sevi last day wit us...
she's going back to indonesia after four years wit us...
reali dun bear to c her go back...
reali mizz her even thought she's at the airport now...
feel lyk shit wen i can't even send her to the airport cuz of the stoopid tuition...
juz leave me alone today... ...
at5:15 AM
back from church...
today went dere and to know moiself even better :D
i m high I and ish I.S
after which train runescape nor...
now getting tired...shall get some slp lata wake up den play again ((=
Friday, March 30, 2007 at6:22 PM
so damn lazy to update moi blog dis few days....
shall up load some photos tat was taken on ah hong ah gu's wedding...

ting and me in the morning before going for the tea ceremony...

me >,<

daddy and me at the wedding in the nitz (=
handsome ritx???!!!!! :D
me and ting at home after a long tiring nitz...haaa....

last but not the least, me ((=
tat's all...hab been busy-ing wit sch work...
shall blog again tonitz....
Wednesday, March 28, 2007 at3:03 PM
finally finished wit the blogskin!!!!!! haa
nice not?lolx...! i lubb it!!!! ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((=
shall start blogging... ...
as i mention the previous day, i gonna try on our costume and it was FABLULOUS!!!! nice till dunno how to say...
after dance wen to inter n bought moi shoe and bought the so called "stickers" n stick moi phone...haa....xinyi bought one too...lyk it beri much (=
slack around den 8 cai reach home =D
today going to NUS to practice dance dere.....
suppose to wake up at 6.15 but as usual i wen back to slp after putting down the phone as xinyi morning call me...haa
suddenly woke a up a few minutes lata and realised i gonna b late!!!
rush all the way n meet xinyi under her block n ran all the way to sch!
quickly change and wen back gate to assemble n realised bus uncle was late....i mean reali late...haaa...
wen we reach dere, we reali practise hard for 2 hours and i was totally veri veri tired, thristy, hungry [breakfast didn't manage to eat as was mention early rushing to sch in the morning (= ]
we ended at 1o and on the way home i took so photo of somtink...shall not upload till it complete building it =D
after sch, me xinyi n seng hong wen to bugis to get ribbons for the streamers and after which wen to tampines to get xinyi's shoelace...den went to MJ find chris but realised he was not dere...haa..he wasn't working today so some other days den come find him ba (=
after which xinyi come over to moi hse and stay till 1opm...tkz for ur accompany :D
neber go to sch as i was sick =S
throat was veri pain the first tink in the morning wen i woke up...wen to c doc at 8 plus and funny tink ish the doc wanna c moi throat n i was suppose to say "ah" but i couldn't reali pronoun anytink...wen he say louder, moi 'ah' was reali awful...haa...
wen home slept till 12 plus woke up and was reali bored and i watch the show tat i mizz last nitz (=
veri touching... ...
here i m blogging and going back to slp soon ((=
nitz everyone....
at12:38 AM
shall post for sat first
On the 24th
went for ah hong ah gu's wedding (=
bride ish pretty and the groom ish handome too ((=
saw their wedding's photo n it was FUNNY...
On the 25th
was reali angry wit moi parents n slept reali long...
wake up 9 in the nitz N rush through fnn...
in the end, decided to pass up on tue or wed....
It was pouring reali heavily in the morning and becuz of tat, i went to sch late...i mean real late...
took moi own sweet time n in the end i m all drenched >,<
wat was funny ish most of us bare-footed the whole day! haaa...
now at home playing runescape going dance soon :D
today we could try on our costume ((((((((((=
Friday, March 23, 2007 at8:59 AM
so damn tired today....
fall aslp veri fast...
wen home n train moi account till level 20 liaox...
den stop...
wen for a short nap n wake up soon after tat....
slack a while jiu wen to tuition..
reali gonna buck up liaox...
studies ((((((((((((=
Thursday, March 22, 2007 at7:01 AM
wen for dance n den got the dvd from rohanna n actually wanted to go xinyi's home but decided to go home instead cuz real tired... buffy came juz now n lie on moi legs n slept...so cute ((=
today was reali terrible to me...everytink doesn't seems ritx to me...haiz....forget it...
Wednesday, March 21, 2007 at7:13 AM
went to accompany stal to maths remedial juz now n den wen to library to wait for stal...
n i realised i can reali concentrate to study wen moi surrounding ish REALI quiet (=
i complete the maths paper plus the two english compre :D
den i went to bugis to get dance's stuff n couldn't find the nylon orange colour..mayb going back to buy it again...
den i went to bugis to get dance's stuff n couldn't find the nylon orange colour..mayb going back to buy it again...
went to meet mum dere as she went to the salon to get her hair cut n we went to starbucks to grab a bite...
bought another baby n now getting even closer n closer to the full collection ((((((((((((=
dis ish the one tat i bought today ((=
dis the one tat i bought lt week ((=
Tuesday, March 20, 2007 at7:29 AM
today after sch stal n cia went to moi place to c BUFFY ((=
surprisely cia ish not afraid of it but stal does!!!! instead, she dare carry bailey (=
after which, bought lunch n went over to stal place...
den actually wanted to wait for stal den go out together but was running late so i went out first n took a cab down to sch...was actually on time, 4.30 wen i reach sch (=
danCe was fine n somtink reali make us LOL!!
shall forget it...REALI FORGET IT!!!!!! I MEAN IT!!!!!
nitz all (=
Monday, March 19, 2007 at5:13 AM
sch was fine till P.E....
reali dun lyk excercising [except dancing], den hab to run...real lazy...haaaa...
during chemistry really hab a great laugh! hha!
i use a pen to poke alicia n she laugh n scream at the same time! lolx! den she cried...lolx! as in cry n laugh n cry at the same time...haa...n wen the teacher heard alicia's scream, she turn back n say lloyd...lolx! lloyd was so innocent?haaa....
hab dance in the late afternoon n it was a good wan...? we saw our own SYF video which ish after so long lyk 2 years den we manage to watch it! haaa....
beri nice den i saw moi ownself...it was lyk arG!!!!!!! haaa..
off to do moi work :D
Sunday, March 18, 2007 at6:05 AM
went for movie today at vivo city (=
watch 'follow the law' .....
nice show ((=
funny... ...
so tired wen heard tat sch reopen tml =,=
Saturday, March 17, 2007 at7:21 AM
today ciia come moi hse to do our holiday assignment...
after which she accompany me to eastpoint to collect moi roller blade which i left dere for MONTHS and finally gotten it back (=
it ish repaired and was charged at $16 for the buckle...
wen to pet safrari and saw loads of cute dogs (=
wen home n runescape-ing the whole nitz long ((=
Friday, March 16, 2007 at8:06 AM
wake up 8 plus in the morning n meet ciia and sstal....
hab breakfast at inter and we hab a great laugh...! (=
went to sch for chem QA n it turns out to b mess...
i mean moi table...haa....
wen going home tat time, me n ciia were being folloewed by a ah pei!!!!
was scary and we ran back to front gate....lucky the bois were still dere...
they walk wit us...
daddy didn't went to work today n we went to inter to eat...haaa...daddy's favourite laksa...yummy!
wen home played runespace till 9 plus...den went to tuition n surprisingly, tuition ended early today as teacher forgot to bring her keys...haa...
so long shall blogg till here....not in the mood :S
Thursday, March 15, 2007 at5:10 AM
On the 13th
wen to watch I am a Cyborg, but it's Ok....NICE!!!
haa...den wen for dance and was tiring but reali enjoy moi day ((((=
On the 14th
went to BBQ and play treasure hunt...hab a hard time finding stuff needa but fun (=
after which went on to play with the water in the pool...was all wet and i hide stal shoe...haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D
she couldn't find it and the way she look as funny...lolx!
after tat, we were all hungry and went to search for food. can u imagine? four person share a hotdog? four person share 2 satay? =,="
neber been so hungry be4 :S
went home at around 9 plus n was reali tired....
even though tired but manage to stay awake till 12 and watch moi show....hab bad headache and slp after the show ends...
wake up in the afternoon...it hab been such a long time ever since i slp till so late... den moi laptop hab been gibing me problems...!grrrr!!!! now it's fine...haa
went to dance and took loads of photos (=
nice? fariz cap (=

Monday, March 12, 2007 at6:10 AM
wen to ciia hse today and brought bailey dere as well...
den put bailey in her bike and we cycle at her place nearby dere...
den wen to dance...
was tired and i finally get moi running man ritx =,="
ya...i look funny =,="""""""""""
Friday, March 09, 2007 at4:18 AM
today was the last day of sch and was as usual stuudy stuudy stuudy...
gotten back moi result slip yesterday and was damn bad larx... if i noe i should hab study...
damn disappointed...
will study as someone promise me to get me sumtink?but unless i gotten all A1...halo...TAT WAS IMPOSSIBLE...!!!
lolx...after sch went home bathe and went to east point to get back moi rollar blade which hab already been sent to repair for 3 months! moi father was so angry wit the shop as how can a rollar blade be repaired for so long...wat's taking them so long?lolx...when i went dere, they say i can collect it by next week =,="
went tampines mall after tat and got moiself 2 pairs of earrings plus handphone strips...haa...holidays started and i gotta catch Rain's show soon (=
Sunday, March 04, 2007 at5:08 AM
hab been slping the whole...
wake up 12 plus in the after and ate roti prata...it was horrible...
wen for tuition at one and actually dragging a long den went out...haa
came back at 2 plus n went slping again =,="
juz woke up not long and now i m blogging...
so tired...gonna fall aslp soon i tink
Zzz... ...
Saturday, March 03, 2007 at2:02 AM
woke up late in the morning and to find out tat moi tuition teacher ish at the door!!
went to open and ask to wait for me...grr...it was so malu...lolx...
den after tuition play yahoo games till now...bing till can rot...going aunt hse lata as her frenz are coming and she cooked laksa and chicken wings plus stuffs...yummy! (=
Friday, March 02, 2007 at4:21 AM
today we got sort of lyk excusion n went to Suntec exhibition hall...
after which, we went to pizza hut for lunch and we joke around...lolx
after tat stal, mel n tin went to church...
we went on to carrefour and bought our ingredient for fnn and we hab fun (=
after which, we went to nokia centre to exchange moi earpiece and queue for quite some time den say mux hab purchase date den can exchange...Grr!
we rush to marina to buy dog dog and guess wat...me n ciia bought four at one go! haa...
too excited sia...heee... here's r some pic i took (=

dis are all moi babies and i gonna buy somemore as onli collect 5 nia...4 more to go (=
dis ish lloyd and me...ciia ask us to carry the same kind of bag and took a photo of us...lolx!
Thursday, March 01, 2007 at6:06 AM
sch was indeed boring and today has been raining the whole day...cold man
as usual habing dance practise and after which went home
here i m doing fnn and decided not to rush and pass up on monday (=
haa...can say i m lazy but real tired today...
gonna finish up time plan correction and choose moi recipes and i can relax liaox =D
shall blog till here ((=