Sunday, April 29, 2007 at5:34 AM
finally back to post...
wen to bought clothes and wanted to buy shoe but couldn't find one which suit moi liking...
mayb i too choosy=S
i reali mizz u...
u left us n we really dun wan tat to happened to u....
wen u suffer it reali hurts us...
we could do nth but to c u leave us juz lyk tat...
moi heart reali dead....
heartless le...
wish tat u will enjoy urself in heaven...
we will always remembered u...
n i will forever remember the good times we hab n tinks tat we always go together...
Saturday, April 14, 2007 at7:28 PM
yesterday hab terrible cramp and reali terrible...!
In the morning was late for dance cuz of dis and didn't dance dere but nap a while dere =,="
deb wen the burger king wit "coach" but hardly touch moi food n "coach" finish it up for me...tkz ya ((=
back home and hab juz one hour of tuition cuz reali couldn't tahan the pain..
Friday, April 13, 2007 at9:46 AM
haben been updating moi blog as i was REALI busy...
today wen to ciia hse n do moi trial dere and took sum pics..
hmmm...wen cycle twice n was REALI tired...exhausted..
wen for tuition at 9 plus... ...
was so tired till reali dun feel lyk listen to the lesson...

moi messy work place >,<

moi and ciia 'not bake yet' egg blossom...lolx!

done!!!! hu's nicest??? moi ritx?!?!?!?

dis ish wat she took while i was eating =,="""

moi final piece!!!! ((=

nice ritx? hee....
Saturday, April 07, 2007 at3:19 AM
today hab been a terrible day for me ))'=
morning i was late for dance cuz couldn't wake up n wit empty stomach >,<
totally no energy and dun feel lyk moving at all...
totally no energy and dun feel lyk moving at all...
but no choice, i hab to do it and got scolding loads of times but i noe cuz no energy =,="
hab been struggling for the whole two hours and couldn't take it anymore i was tearing...
hungry till cry....can u imagine how hungry i was...? *even how messy moi hair was i didn't bother, ppl come tie moi hair hair for me cuz they cannot stand the messy look...lolx!
after dance, wen straight to mac wit seng hong and really eating moi hearts out...lolx...hab loads of craps (=
den wen home for a short nap n brought moi sis to the clinic as she hab been vomiting since the morning and was running a fever...
c her lyk tat so tong ku sia =S
anyway she should b fine by now so no worries liaox =D
shall upload some photo (((((=

mR LazY!!!!!!
& mRs LazY!!!! LOLX!!!!!
Friday, April 06, 2007 at5:58 AM
haben been posting regularly due to moi lazyness...haa
in da morning meet kengyong, jing shi, gordon, jiao and chengyu at tampines mall...cuz i wanted to buy handphone keychain and hp pouch but onli manage to find the handphone pouch nia cuz didn't saw any nice hp key chain around ))=
after which, wen to church for the easter day celebration and it was fun...especially during the games time (=
dunno HU AR....go sign moi name under "slp will snore" horx!!! den jiao peiyi they are also do the same!!! grr...lolx!!!
reali hab loads of fun and wen home at 7 plus...shall end here today....training kongkong starts NOW ((((((=
Thursday, April 05, 2007 at6:36 AM
today was suppose to wake up at 4.3o to study for geo test but wen back to slp =,="
lucky neber woke up cuz the test ish not the topic tat teacher asked us to study =,="
no dance today due to speech day and wen home early and play kongkong till level up...
nth much done today... and tat's all... ...
Wednesday, April 04, 2007 at7:03 AM
sch has been fine and will b better without hw (=
hab been real tired dis few days after watching the 'red galz' show...scared me and plz dunno hu send me mr bean the eyes in the mid of the show and REALI scared me....grr...!
today in sch slept for two periods of geo and other lessons were fine...
went home n bring moi maid to ah yi's hse to do some ironing and while waiting for her, i went to deep slp..!
lolx...she try waking me up but couldn't den suddenly i dream halfway heard summone called moi name n i woke up...lolx...BUT...i went back to slp again =,="
dis ish how tired i m today...
as usual we to market buy dinner and drag moi whole body home...lolx! [too lazy to walk]
play kongkong and angry!
haa....wen i got first ppl say i hacker den i keep on getting the last...grrr....
haa....shall play another time...
was happy tat aunty sevi msg me but after i reply she did not reply back to me )=
Monday, April 02, 2007 at6:44 AM
long tiring day...
in the morning didn't wanna wake up but in the end manage to wait up...after long struggling...hAA...
didn't prepare breakfast for sis instead mum did it...lolx..
wen to sch den sch was equally boring everyday den wen home to change n wash a face zai qu dance...
today onli ms jacky came and practise was not as tough as ... ... *****
but didn't becuz of dis and not take practice seriously...
i did do all out (=
couples part was change to guys swinging galz...
haa...was reali fun and reali thankful tat i m not heavy or else the one suffering will b moi partner (=
after dance, xinyi n me went to play saucer and play till stomach suffering =S
lolx...wen to 85 to packet dinner for sis n me den accompany xinyi to 7-eleven to buy her stuff...
wen home and finish moi dinner veri fast as i was told not to buy chicken wings as i hab juz recover not long ago...but i still bought it...lolx...be4 mum comes home, we finish everytink...LOLX!
moi new maid came today...and she was veri nice...but hab begin to mizz aunty sevi again...haiz ='(