Thursday, May 31, 2007 at6:43 AM
wat a day! damn it...
hab new tuition n the teacher was terrible....neber met such a teacher be4...
hmmmm....not gonna blog anymore further...BYE!
***lucky i get to change a new one liaox...
reali angry today! @;
Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at3:38 AM
after FNN [S:] remedial, ciia accompany me home n find moi swimming costume but it took me lyk abt an hour to search for it i finally found it =,="
den we took a cab to her hse n wait for her to change.... [loads of fun ar alicia]
after which we went to bedok swimming complex n swim....we hab loads of fun in the water n around 6 plus we went home...
feeling tired tat nitx...
reali feel reluctant to go to sch....n i finally i remember to claim moi IC from the general office as i left it in sch tat day wen habing mother tongue O level...lucky it was not lost...
felt damn upset wen i receive tat stoopid call...
if i ever leave, dun u blamed me, dis ish all i wanna say!
Monday, May 28, 2007 at8:29 AM
it hab been ages ever since i last blog...
tired n call me lazy ((=
today finish the O level mother tongue paper n didn't expect to get high score as i aim for a A2... i misunderstand the words n mayb i was too lengthy although i still get to the point...
n the terrible tinks of all ish i left moi IC in sch n lucky the person called n told me abt it or i will dead meat =,="
was reali tired n gonna go to bed soon ((= nitz ^^
Sunday, May 20, 2007 at8:42 AM
bad day
terrible day
Friday, May 18, 2007 at8:35 AM
sch was terrible as after sch remedial was terrible!!!
the weather ish hot n everytink ish juz not correct!! =@
wen home and at around 5 dad pick me n ah yi up n we wen down all the way to tiong bahru to fetch mum n the four of us wen out for dinner as ah yi say she wanna treat us =)
we wen to Tony Roma's n the ribs dere was delicious ^^
but the serving was a little too much =,=" haa...couldn't finish n dad finish it for me ((=
wen home after which as i hab tuition [grr!]
moi combo! [ribs was eaten half...haa!]
Thursday, May 17, 2007 at8:34 AM
evertink seems tired to me...
i juz wish tat i could juz lie on the bed n not to move a single move..
as i reali dunno juz wat i wan =S
sch was tiring...
wen to inter bought food home to eat wit ciia n after eating half of moi food, the next tink i noe, i was asleep on the sofa...dis ish how tired i m...
dad came back n we wen out for dinner, juz the two of us =D
wen shopping around at tiong bahru as we were waiting for mum till 8.30pm....she was doing facial =,="
bought some stuff n wen home...gonna start on moi hw or i will hab lesser n lesser hours of slp >,<
i still miss u =''''''''''(((((((
Wednesday, May 16, 2007 at8:42 AM
tinks haben been fine for me...n i dunno wat ish happening =S
forget it...
hab been staying over at ah yi's hse for the week n we hab been hanging out quite often..haa...
as mention yesterday, wen to tampines for dinner at pizza hut n the spaghetti was great...
after which, she suggest of eating ice-cream so wen all the way to bugis juz for ice-cream =D
it was 9 plus wen we finish eating n we realise tat we hab mizz the 9pm show so muz y do some shopping be4 going home so early ^^
wen home after tat...
Monday, May 14, 2007 at11:34 PM
back to post (=
daddy bought a new laptop for me on sunday ((=
we spend the whole day at parkway to hunt for the best laptop and we did found it ^^ haa...
gotten back most of papers by today except for social studies...results were pretty bad...becuz of not attending sch for quite sumtimes so i gonna buck up soon (((=
gonna go for a short nap...gonna meet ah yi lata for dinner ^^
Friday, May 11, 2007 at8:00 AM
woke up in the late in the afternoon by calls n wen to ciia's hse after which wit bailey...haa...
surprise wen he behave himself in ppl's hse [tink he wan compliment..haa!] but was a naughty devil at home =,="
once we reach dere, prince bark at him n he bake back...both bark consistancly...till i tink almost the whole neighbourhood dogs bark also...haa...as noisy as a market...no no...i tink even more noisier...haaa!
den lata we watch the [[haunted sch]] which was eerie...!!! the ending was unexpected man...haa...we wen to cycling wit bailey den roller blade...tired man! wen home n accompany mum n dad to stadium for jogging...but i didn't run cuz hate running...haaa...
so wen the sit dere do crossword puzzle while waiting...hee...
den ciia called n remind me tat i hab got tuition lata on n was reluctant to go...so told dad n mum tat n dad laugh n continue running so i knew i make it...haa...
wen home chatting happily wit them n realise how important family ish to me ^^
**stoopid laptop ish gibing me BIG problem!!! arg!!! keep on hang while using... aim ish to get a new laptop (=
Thursday, May 10, 2007 at8:28 AM
after sch went home bathe n wen to watch [[200 pounds beauty]]...
it was nice n touching man...couldn't stop moi tears running down...haa...
wen to bought cyndi's new album n bought the [[haunted sch]] deciding to go ciia place to watch it tml...kkz shall stop here...getting tired =S
Wednesday, May 09, 2007 at1:21 AM
finally...tml gonna b the last day of exam!
gonna flunk most of moi sub for di mid year as many tinks hab happen n was difficult for me to reali concentrate...
today's paper was Amaths paper one n it was ok...tink i can pass ba..
came home at 10am n slack around...
around 1.45 hab moi tuition n bailey was teriible, i came out of the room to take some books n he was disturbing me by following where i go n lick moi toes...his nails were long n was scratching moi legs =,="
he wen for grooming n he look better now ^^
worst of all, wen i finish tuition, i wen to use the laptop n was abt to sit down den i realise i broke one of the handle of the chair..! oPpSs!!! =S

cute ba? ^^
moi master piece...OppS!
Sunday, May 06, 2007 at11:20 PM
hasn't reali got the time to post lately...
now examination periods so tat's y...
in da morning lloyd came to moi hse at 5am n teach me chem...haa....teach till half reali hungry n we both ate maggi mee...
haa...first time in da morning i can eat such a big bowl of noodle...
wen on studying n den off to sch....
chem paper was ok till the section B...i tink 15 marks gone...haa...
gotten moi maths paper one after sch n the marks was terrible =S
*ah bush!
reali loads of careless man...
can u imagine i made stoopid mistakes lyk i should plus 8 instead i go minus 8 =,="
needa times half i put dere times 2 =,=""
today i made a silly mistake again...
minus i go plus
will reali check through moi work next time round but provided i hab the time...haa...
off to bed...reali sleepy..!
Tuesday, May 01, 2007 at7:00 AM
terrible day for me...
dis year ish reali the most terrible year for me...
plz! dun gib me anymore shocking news...! one day i will reali break down ='(
buffy left us today...haiz...juz dun feel lyk toking abt it anymore...tat's all for today...