Saturday, June 30, 2007 at9:08 AM
Woke up early in the morning for tuition two hours and we did Amaths paper which i manage to finish half of paper one for the 2-hours lon tuition.
Rush to took a quick bathe and went downstair to buy fish soup, rice and drinks for grandma and sis. Took a cab down to 'san qing gong' to go them and waited very long before the cab came. The taxi uncle was so kind enough to tell me the actual direction of the place as I don't know how to say it in words. Had a little chat with the uncle and went I reach the place, I realised i dirty his cab with the coffee in my hands =,="
I apolognize and he was good enough to say 'it's ok' (=
After a little chat with them I went to meet stal and went to church. It was fun and i enjoy myself today (=

at8:34 AM
had the youth day concert yesterday and we performed twice. The second time that we performed is better than the first time round (=
we had great fun in the library and of cause we took pictures too, haha

wow, nice lips, haa!

what's that (=



feeling shy? =b

towel once
towel twice

towel thrice, could someone please stop her from using the towel? lolx!

*pooF! change clothes (=

funny ((=

feeling shy? =B

Thursday, June 14, 2007 at8:34 PM
finally i blog...after thousand of days...hee
wen to cutt moi hair yesterday at reds n it was so 'bao' now...quite xin tong wen i saw most of moi hair lying on the floor )= and i manage to bought a top too after lookingg n searching almost everywhere haa...mayb i too picky =S

oh, n i watch the legend of the sea and i was nice ^^
lee xiao xin n si yan so adorable..haa...funny character ((=
Sunday, June 10, 2007 at6:17 AM
i hate everyone today...
i hate everytink today...
dun ask me y...
i juz feel tat way....
Wednesday, June 06, 2007 at4:09 AM
today ish the last day of 'waking up so early n go to sch' ((=
wen sch n was sitting at the staircase enjoying the breeze dere? haa...
it was reali a pleasant site dere XD
n i sat dere for an hour =,=
wen KFC today wit ciia n cuz i dun intend to eat much so i ate chicky meal =,="
haaa...beside us was a toddler n he was so CUTE!
the best part ish wen he place his face against the glass panel XD
Monday, June 04, 2007 at12:50 AM
hab been reali lazy blogging so shall do a fast wan...
bought a top on saturday ((=
hab a quarral wit mum n dad yesterday n so angry till i wan to nap till nitz =@
life ish reali miserable wit u
i reali hate moi life
today ish ah ma's 1oo days n we woke up early in the morning n wen to the temple...
wen we saw ting's name crave dere, once again it hurts us...
n once again, our tears drop,
we still couldn't accept the fact...
i hate it...
Friday, June 01, 2007 at8:15 AM
it's was a tiring day =S
after sch wen to tm wit ciia hunting for gifts n den took a cab home cuz moi eyes was in great pain as moi contact lens ish gibing me problems again! :@
wen reached home, i wen straight to the bathroom n throw tat irritating pairs of contact lens away n wen straight to bed ^^
6 plus mum called n ask me to wake up n we went for dinner at parkway...
bought a new story book [ moi teacher ask me to buy] n wen to arcade to play!
spend $10 on a particular game...the basketball wan...mum n dad joined in the fun too!!!
moi high score ish 85 n i beat dad! ((=
n the points i went to exchange for sweets n a character plaster! ((= the shape n design ish so unique!!! ((=
as for yesterday, caught the movie 'Pirates Of The Carribean, The World's End' was nice but i hate the ending...y muz the guy b seperated wit the galz??!! grr...stoopid!
wen home n now i m going to bed....nitx all