`One Hundred And Thirty Nine
Friday, April 25, 2008 at9:50 AM
Let me start writing about today's morning. Left house at 8.20am and I knew that I am gonna be late. Reached bus-stop at around 8.30am and later on two buses passed by and didn't stop as both buses were full! it's already 8.45am and when I was about to take a cab, a white bus approached and then i realised there's a free shuttle bus to TP and it save me from being late for lecture! ^^
Had macroecons today and the teacher was very VERY interesting, haa! lecture ended quite early and went to business canteen for breakfast? haaa....and the mee I had was horrible as it's not cooked! [tsk tsk... ...] threw it away again [waste food AGAIN]
went for another lecture and headed to tampines mall for lunch at pasta mania. I sweared that before that my stomach was so damn hungry!! after lunch we went Prilly's house to complete some homework I knew that I can't do hw at home as I would tend to turn on the computer and start surfing, chatting and gaming! haaaa.....
we were like chatting most of the time and gosh! didn't know we could chat till nearly 8pm!!! haaa, I mean girls are like that isn't it? love hanging out with them and of cause not forgetting Rena [girl, join us the next time!! ] that's all, blog again tomorrow!! (=
`One Hundred And Thirty Eight
Thursday, April 24, 2008 at8:11 AM
Lecture ended at 11am today (=
Went to watched "Superhero" at Tampines Mall with classmates and the movie was hilarious! haa. Not a bad show and went walking aimlessly around and chatting with the girls was great (=
Kind of tired today and done some of my CTOS homework already gonna comtinue tomorrow plus the BA work which I get to know it last minute =,-
Homework day tomorrow so no goin out =X
Went to watched "Superhero" at Tampines Mall with classmates and the movie was hilarious! haa. Not a bad show and went walking aimlessly around and chatting with the girls was great (=
Kind of tired today and done some of my CTOS homework already gonna comtinue tomorrow plus the BA work which I get to know it last minute =,-
Homework day tomorrow so no goin out =X

My drawing to help peiyi with her drawing because she's drawing my old study desk, LOL!
Bad drawing I know, i can't draw! at else she understand (=
`One Hundred And Thirty Seven
Wednesday, April 23, 2008 at2:28 AM
I'm pretty lazy to blog and I shall do this NOT frequently (=
Alright I shall get started. School was getting more interesting and getting to know more and more friends (=
Woke up late today and lucky daddy called me or I think I would even woke up till afternoon =,-
Cabbed to school [waste of money again... ...] lesson started. During the break went to buy so books and it weigh a ton! Damn heavy! [tsk tsk...] After buying we went to the cafe to grab a bite but the person Q-ing infront of us was like taking a llllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg time to order and thus we had no choice but to buy drinks and go. One conclusion = not going to that particular cafe anymore =S
Lessons ends at 3 plus and headed home, looking forward for tomorrow's movie outing (=
P.S. enjoying my pizza now, yummy! ^^
`One Hundred And Thirty Six
Friday, April 18, 2008 at8:34 AM
Was having orientation this two days and it was terribly TIRING! =,- boring and it was totally like a waste of time as I have to wake up very VERY early!
Stay throughout the whole orientation during the first day but not for the second day, haaa!
went off at 12 plus and headed straight home for bathe and cabbed down to ciia house to watch DVD but the show was boring [tsk..] fall asleep twice and was waiting for daddy to fetched me for dinner.
Went home after dinner and online till now (= waiting for school to starts on monday and I hope I still have got the time to online..
`One Hundred And Thirty Five
Tuesday, April 01, 2008 at12:17 AM
Had finally stop working or else I will soon died of exhaustion as I had been working everyday! =,-
now it's time for me to rest and enjoy the rest of my holidays till school starts [boring!]
spend the day at home and online, nothing much.
~off to play mahjong (=