`One Hundred And Fifty Two
Monday, June 30, 2008 at4:43 AM
Went shopping yesterday and bought lots of clothes plus accessories as mummy having birthday month discount. Was glad I finally saw a bag I like. (= Went swimming in the night but mummy didn't join me and dad as she sprain her waist but she took lots of photos of us! haaa. End lesson early today and have lunch at KFC. Went home afterwhich and wanted to continue my WDS proposal but in the end, TOUCH NOTHING! at least one of my drawing done. Spend two days on that as i keep on drawing wrongly, DL! Nearly fall asleep in the morning during lessons and took photo of these...

Xiuhui took this.
Handfull of watches [shauns', junxians' & mine!], ask me what time next time, haa!
Am chatting with RENA [your name, hohoho!] and I am so boring so I include your name as you wanted, I good? heee....
Blog as Bin say something that make me HIGH and have the mood to blog. Now don't say I blog like never blog like that, now long enough, hee? =)
`One Hundred And Fifty One
Thursday, June 26, 2008 at9:06 AM
Didn't blog for quite a while as was busy with school work and projects. Was glad half of it was done [like finally]. Went to the library to borrow books for researchs and went home wit prilly and while she was doing her blog, I accidentally fall asleep =,- didn't knew it, was too tired =(
Keep on laughing to myself when I recall of what kian lam said early in the morning, LOL.
P.s. Bin blog liaox =D
`One Hundred And Fifty
Monday, June 23, 2008 at4:42 AM
Bailey had return to my aunt house after two weeks stay at my house. Felt something missing when he's not at home, weird. Miss his company and of cause waking me up every morning. =S
School reopen today and it was very tiring to wake up early again. During lesson fall asleep and don't really feel like going back at all althought I do miss some of them. =)
Movies watched last week
'Kungfu Panda'
'You Don't Mess With The Zohan'
'The Happening'
Gonna rush my work now as time is running out and I am stuck with lots of assignment and projects! but before that, let me watch superband, hee! =X

Super love this pic! hee! ^^
`One Hundred And Fourty Nine
Sunday, June 15, 2008 at9:22 AM
First of all HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! =D
Bought dad a tee yesterday for gift and it's RED (=
He like it! ^^
Bring MR BAILEY for grooming today after which fetch him home and off we proceed to watch 'The Incredible Hulk'. It was exciting except the needle and blood part [faint!], overall nice show. Went home after that as everyone was tired and just finish webcam with aunt. We were like crazy playing with screen shots and editing of photos, ha!

`One Hundred And Fourty Eight
Monday, June 09, 2008 at8:34 PM
Before I go out I shall Post photos of yesterday.
BBQ at East Coast =D

`One Hundred And Fourty Seven
Sunday, June 08, 2008 at7:33 PM
HOLIDAYS started but have to woke up as early as 10am to feed bailey! (=
Bailey should be staying at my house for about a month till school reopen. Gonna bring him down to poo and going for BBQ later so shall blog maybe later or tomorrow. (=
`One Hundred And Fourty Six
Tuesday, June 03, 2008 at10:24 AM
Two papers finished so far =D
Looking forward for holidays but I think that would be reserved for WDS project.
After the paper ate in school then proceed home as mum ish waiting for my lunch. I was damn tired after waking up so damn early in the morning [as early as 4am!] to study!! went to school and lucky Kai Xuan say lecture 6 important and I last minute read it and it came out in the test! THANKS!
When i reached home, I nearly faint. Pieces of wood were lying everywhere in the living room and it was abit difficult to walk through thus forget about sleeping as Dad ordered two study tables plus book shelves and the men had to do it manually. Due to no television program to watched, I sat in the balcony and read book. I manage to finish another book. when the men were done, the clock shows 6pm! =,- that was certainly a long want. When for dinner and came back to clean the furniture plus unpacked boxes of CDs and some books of mine and place it on the shelves. When I thought I am done, I saw few plastic bags laying around and there is still many of my stuff not packed yet. DAMN IT! Packed all the way till 12 plus and I was totally exhausted!
Guess what, I have not started on macro think I gonna start tomorrow early in the morning. Off to bed~
When I couldn't find my laptop i thought it was stolen as mum leave the door open and there I found it, Used as a saucer by mum to put her pot on top! =,-