`One Hundred And Sixty
Thursday, July 31, 2008 at9:21 AM
Am spending the remaining afternoon in school today to do WDS project. Finally done with the first webpage! ^^ Damn happy man. Hope no error?
Was damn DL this two days as I don't know how many thousand times I have tried to download the Dreamweaver and couldn't. Mum gotten the man to help me do lappy and found out that actually the problem lies on my account. $##$%@#!!! Was like trying to find out the problem and nothing could be found. Don't know how much time I had wasted on that. CTOS presentation was ruined today. Three more projects to be done. =S
Went to the library to do the project yesterday and had late dinner at Mac. Gonna Buck up and finish the project real soon.
And I just realise the formal shirt was too short! Gonna get one real soon!
P.S. Am racing against the time. . . . . . . . . . .
`One Hundred And Fifty Nine
Tuesday, July 29, 2008 at9:01 AM
Had been very very very busy lately. Busy doing projects and shopping for stuff to buy for comm skill presentation. Finally done with buying of clothes and make up and now, am left with three projects due very very soon! =X Hope that I got 48 hours a day!!!
Had dinner at Tampines mall today as usual and saw Jun Hong. Still as playful as usual. During dinner am telling prilly story of the show but make it up with shaun and sometimes couldn't help it but laugh! haaaaaa...Went G2000 like don't know how many thousand times already recently and was still thinking whether to get another top for presentation but still am considering since I had already have one. Am still downloading stuff for WDS project. Tired! Falling asleep soon as it is taking a real long time!!!! =S
`One Hundred And Fifty Eight
Saturday, July 26, 2008 at9:19 AM
Totally screwed my comm skill paper today. =S
I drew the diagram nicely and colour it then I realise that one of the value was not included and had to redraw, colour plus calculate! #$%#%&!!! Time was not enough to complete it and I was left with less than 5 minutes to do the last section!! grrrr.....
Shall not further talk about it.
Went to Orchard after the test and had our lunch at Mac. Walk around and as usual, I gotten nothing when I wanted to buy something. @Y^$&^#!!! Meet mum and had dinner at Toa payoh. Dad came to meet us and fetch us to Bishan and shop around. But still, gotten nothing. Tiring. Gonna be a long day tomorrow. Tired. Night. Bye.
`One Hundred And Fifty Seven
Tuesday, July 22, 2008 at8:25 AM
Spend the day at bugis [besides in school] to celebrate Jun Xian's birthday. (= Shopp around and we bought him two shirts. Went to take neoprints! It's like don't know when is the last time I took it. Laughing and Crazy session over dinner and we bought him ice-cream cake! yummy! heee. And it happen that we gotten a free LARGE teh pieng from the restaurant and it's really BIG! Alright tired. Gonna sleep Soooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn~ [cramp] =S

P.S. Shall upload those neoprints another day (=
`One Hundred And Fifty Six
Friday, July 18, 2008 at11:03 PM
Went to Seoul garden and spend really a long time there eating and chatting. Completed mario till level 1000 plus plus (= but in the end I am the one who accidentally press wrongly and die at level 1070! =C Comm skill and CTOS project was completed and it was like FINALLY! After struggling for weeks it's finally done. But can't be too happy yet as there are three more projects to be completed =,- Shall prepare for the buffet later at my house, blog again tonight, probably?

`One Hundred And Fifty Five
Sunday, July 06, 2008 at12:23 AM
Met up with shaun, xiuhui and prilly after school on friday at bugis and we went to watch 'Hancock' . It was a fantastic movie and would recommend you people to go watch it =D. After the show prilly thought her phone spoilt so she went off first then left we three shopping. We shop everywhere we could shop include bugis street which I haven been there for like ages =,-.
I didn't manage to get myself anything as I don't know what to buy =,-". Nevermind, shall save money for next week shopping and movie RIGHT rena, prilly & xiuhui?! =D couldn't wait any longer =X
Bought new korean drama and my bad habit came back again. Watched it yesterday throughout the night and sleep at 6 plus! shit, this always happen when I bought new drama. =,-
Continue tonight again, haa! gonna start on my homework real soon as there are tons, and I gonna prepare to stay back after school everyday for next week to complete my projects! ^^
Prepare to go Ah Ma house soon as today's her birthday, tata~
`One Hundred And Fifty Three
Tuesday, July 01, 2008 at9:05 AM
Overslept this morning! alarm clock ring but I off it and went back to sleep, thinking to myself,"five more minutes..." but then after sometime, I woke up suddenly and saw that it's 9.34am, rush to school by cab and wasted money again, tsk!
Went to Orchard today for survey stuff and then proceed to shopping! My feet hurts alot and have three blister =(
Bought nothing =( and went for dinner at yoshinoya. Chatting session and went home.
Reached home ate durian that daddy bought and kill. After eating, have to throw it downstair. When I reach the gate, I open and slowly peep out as when I reach home, there's a cat right infront of the gate! @$#$@!!!! I felt stupid when peeping out of the gate as if I am a thief =,- after throw the whole bag of durians, I ran home as quick as possible.!
Joke of the day
Ice teh peng by xiuhui! haahahahahahahaa
bi li in chinese by rena! wuhahahahaahhahaahhaa
Enjoy every single crazy day with them! =D