`One Hundred And Eighty Eight
Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at8:40 AM
Bored Bored BORED!
Went Bugis yesterday with ciia and bought a pencil case. Went to her house afterwhich and played badminton.
Stay at home as usual and finish watching two episode of '翻滾吧! 蛋炒飯'
Ah yi came over to house just now and brought Hyden along. He didn't sleep at all and was looking after him while watching the 9pm show.
Am chatting with xiuhui then she draw this and name it as her signature drawing. Lol. Xiuhui! Now you are famous! haaa....But you still haven answer me, why six fingers?!

Change blogskin today and am totally think I am going to be colour blind soon. =,-" Was searching for a red background instead I choose a dark pink. =.-" Realised it only after I chage everything. Was choosing colour for xiuhui's nick and in the end instead of pink I use purple! GOSH! But still, can't blame me. Those colours were similar! =b
P.S. Wanna play badminton~
`One Hundred And Eighty Seven
Sunday, September 28, 2008 at6:52 AM
Spend the whole day at home yesterday. Finish up my princess puzzle and completed it in the afternoon.

Bought this new puzzle just now (=

Went house visit today, haa. Went to grandma house then to great-grandma house and finally ah yi's house. Gonna start on it right now~
P.S. Counting down to the release date of High School Musical 3...
`One Hundred And Eighty Six
Friday, September 26, 2008 at8:51 AM
Am home finally. Went for chalet yesterday at changi and shall cut it sweet and short.
Game was fun
Play super mini mahjong, haa
Bitten by super lots of mosquito
Running here and there when spotted cats =S
Joking here and there
Overall enjoy my day very much and love the treasure hunting game (=
Us (=
Shall post the group photo when I received it (=
Meet Seng Hong and Xinyi and went Orchard watched 'Mirrors'! My first M18 movie and it was ... ... Xinyi and I keep on covering our eyes and Seng Hong keep on scolding the F word and followed by a long chain of the other words, haa.....
Went to study after the show ended up gossip. In fact I started to do Emaths Paper 2 and due to lots of talking and laughing so ended up I managed to do till the 3rd Question. =,-"
Walked around Orchard as Seng Hong wanted to buy pencil case but ended up we both bought water bottle instead. Rush home to watch the 9pm show and F1. Sleeping soon as am damn tired.
Night all.
P.S. Miss Ice Chocolate.
`One Hundred And Eighty Five
Wednesday, September 24, 2008 at7:58 PM
Couldn't really sleep last night. Tossing and turning on the bed till 3am then finally slept! Don't know what on earth happens to me last night but just couldn't sleep. Set the alarm and woke up at 10am and now I am sitting in front of my lappy fixing puzzle as I don't think tonight there's time for me to fix it. Going chalet later on and shouldn't be home too early. Oh ya! Did I mention that the princess puzzle has nice flowery smell?! It does! And each time I fix it, my hands would have the smell and of cause it's a pleasant want! (= Gonna prepare soon lunching with the girls! toodles~!
Photos of baby Hyden =D

Was taken in the hospital the first day when he's born.


`One Hundred And Eighty Four
at8:38 AM
Went Orchard together with Prilly for shopping! *blink blink
Tried lots and lots of clothes but didn't gotten any one =X
Went to get our nails done and this time round, I choose french medi and prilly says I have got healthy nails now (=
Shop the whole day and spend half an hour chatting and taking photos.
Bought this puzzle yesterday and this time round it's a 1000 pieces. Not as easy as it seems like so after half a day, it was not even half done [shown at the second photo].

These were the photos we took! ^^

Off to my puzzle~
`One Hundred And Eighty Three
Sunday, September 21, 2008 at8:25 PM
Went chinatown on saturday and eat curry mee with mum. Went on to Vivo City to watch 'Disaster Movie' and it was funny can! laugh throughout the movie. Watched 'Bangkok Dangerous with mum and dad at Marina and and show was great too (=
Shop around and dad bought me puzzle (=
At first thought 500 pieces could last me for days and I can fix it during holidays but in fact, I finish it yesterday =,-"
So gonna get the 1000 pieces wan soon.

`One Hundred And Eighty Two
Thursday, September 18, 2008 at7:55 AM
Went to aunt house today and spend my day finish up the korea show I am watching, Watch Hyden sleep, and sleep as well.
Haven gotten the photo took at the hospital so shall upload this one which I took just now. He was smiling as he was sleeping so ah yi and me tried to capture his picture when he was smiling but it was too fast and all we could capture is the sleeping face, haaa.
After a while, am too tired and went to deep deep sleep, Zzzz (=
Woke up around 6 plus and went to meet mum and dad and had our dinner at 85 market. Then went home.

Bought this miniature and finish arrange all this stuff.

Gotten all this overdue pictures from Rena's blog.
Really miss you guys =X

P.S. Gonna buy puzzle soon ~
`One Hundred And Eighty One
Wednesday, September 17, 2008 at12:41 AM
My eyes were glued to the television this few days and I am serious that I watched it since afternoon all the way till midnight for three days already. =,-" Bought a new drama yesterday and again I am addicted to it. Went to buy lots of groceries yesterday and didn't know it was that fun! ^^ In the end, bought a lots of stuff and ended up taking cab home. Would do it more often (=
P.S. Miss the curry potato~ =X
`One Hundred And Eighty
Friday, September 12, 2008 at7:53 AM
Woke up damn early yesterday can! as early as 6am =,-"
Meet xiuhui and prilly at mrt and we travel all the way to jurong east to meet shaun and rena for lunch at pizza hut (= Receive a belated present from them and it was sweet ! heehee...
Later on watched 'Boys Over Flower [Final]' and it was... ... GREAT! ^^ sir-weet sir-weet de! (=
Took train to boon lay and shop there then train back to chinese garden. The lantern there was beautiful! shall blog those photos once I receive it from jun xian.
Had a wonderful news today! *Ahem!* Hyden was born today! ^^ He's damn cute can! Went to hospital in the afternoon to visit aunt and him. Handsome boy (= Shall blog photos of him another day till I get it from aunt. Haaa.... Off to games~
`One Hundred And Seventy Nine
Wednesday, September 10, 2008 at7:19 AM
Another great day pass! Woke up around 7 plus again. This is already the second time for the week that I woken up so early and I don't know why. Went to meet ah yi at her house around 11 plus and eaten my breakfast cum lunch at at her house downstair and then accompany her for her check-up. She would be giving birth tomorrow or friday. Can't wait for her baby to come out. =D
Went shopping after that and I gotten a top (= I am spending again =,-
Gonna wake up early tomorrow and accompany ah yi to hospital first =D
Last but not the least, I had gotten my result and it was not as good. =S but still I manage to pass everything (=
`One Hundred And Seventy Eight
Tuesday, September 09, 2008 at8:24 AM
Am in a damn good mood today! lalala~
Finally gotten my bag from Burberry!! *Jumping around the house*
Would promise to use it carefully *Grin*
Shall cut down on my spending as mum had already spend quite alot on me [braces and bag].
Ah yi cooked porridge for me this afternoon for lunch and it was delicious! ^^
9 Sept = 9th day eating porridge =,-"
Till now teeth still had got the 'suan' feeling. Tsk...
I want to eat noodles! I want to eat Chicken wings! I want to eat Roti Prata! Grrr....
Anyway, still in my happy mood~
Update again tomorrow~~~ ^^
`One Hundred And Seventy Seven
Monday, September 08, 2008 at8:01 AM
Spend the whole day at aunt house playing games. Had lunch at 85 and guess what I ate huh?! porridge =,-" Again and again.. ... Although the "suan-ness" had reduced but still...When I bite onto something, the feeling was woohoo! =,-
Went to interchange for marketing as aunt gonna cook for dinner and then headed home. Before home, went to cut my fringe and now I feel more comfortable man! *Wink*
Had carrot cake for dinner plus cheng teng and it was wonderful! (= Aunt gave me two bags which she bought but had not used and it was wonderful. *Grin*
As porridge is easily digest so I feel hungry at times. Currently enjoying my dao suan (=
`One Hundred And Seventy Six
Saturday, September 06, 2008 at7:46 AM
Went to have my braces done in the afternoon and the dentist again enlarge my mouth and mum was laughing at a corner keep on asking me can she take my photograph not... ... =,-"
Dentist asked me whether extraction pain not. I told him the injection was painful and he told me injection is not painful at all and say it must have been my fear of injection that cause the pain. =,-""
It's painful ok! tsk...
I choose red for the braces colour (= Next, went Orchard to shop for bag and in the end, mummy bought hers and I still considering which bag to get. Shall continue hunting tomorrow. Dinner at 85 and home after that.
Shall blog again as the braces is making my teeth uncomfortable! Tight and 'Suan'!
`One Hundred And Seventy Five
Thursday, September 04, 2008 at8:38 AM
Prilly came to my house today as we were both sick and tired being alone at home and have nothing better to do. Went swimming but I only sit at a corner with both legs in the water and stupid holding on to an umbrella to avoid the sun and watch her swim.
Because I had just extracted my tooth yesterday so to avoid my wound to get infected or something, I shall not swim for the time being. After swim we were bored so went to parkway to had our early dinner and shop around. Ate porridge for the fourth day already and ice-cream (=
Walk around and saw a medicure advertisment so my nails get a little itchy and I went for it. Haa.. Can't control myself always =S This time round I did light pink (=
Went home after the medicure to catch the 9pm show =D
`One Hundred And Seventy Four
Wednesday, September 03, 2008 at7:29 AM
Today is the third day I have been staying at home for the week. Not going out because of my teeth. Extracted another two today and the injection of the needle is even more painful than the previous time. =X
While the dentist was extracting my teeth, the nurse was damn good to place her hands on mine and let me grab it. Guess she saw that I am very nervous. I grab her hand very hard and I didn't did it on purpose. =X
For the previous time, my upper tooth is even more difficult to extract thus mum told the dentist about it and guess he inject more medicine into my upper teeth this time and cause my left cheek to numb as well. This time my bleeding doesn't last as long as the previous time. (=
I am gonna take really good care of my teeth after putting braces and never gonna let anything happen to it as I would never want to extract my teeth ever again! >=(
And mum is bad! Purposely say tonight want to eat pizza and drumlets! And she laugh after saying ='(
`One Hundred And Seventy Three
Monday, September 01, 2008 at6:11 AM
Am currently slowly swallowing porridge =,-"
Had two of my teeth extracted today and I tell you the moment I saw the needle I was like, "I Don't wanna put on braces anymore!" I thought the needle will be in my gums for a few second but the dentist was like, "ok, now we will leave it for a while" I was like @%#$!!! And the worse part is was injected four times! =,-"
Accidentally grab the dentist hand.
The assistant grab my hand.
Close my eyes throughout.
Manage to hold back my tears.
Whole body tremble.
Upper tooth was stubborn.
Doc had a hard time extracting it.
Half of the mouth ans lips were fully numb.
When it's done, went to parkway. Mummy bought me perfume and while she's choosing hers, I went to find everlyn. Chat with her for quite sometime and found that she was actually watching 'Fated To Love You' too. Did mention that I would watch part 3 slowly but guess what? I finish it all in this morning, tsk! And now I had to slowly wait for part 4 to be out =,-...
After a while, when the numb is gone, the terrible part came and dad quicky drive me home. The pain was ... ... so went straight to bed till 8 plus then woke up.
Was thinking whether to post the photo of my tooth anot but still, I decided not to post it. *Grin*