`Two Hundred And Four
Friday, October 31, 2008 at9:29 AM
Celebrated Rena and Xiuhui's Birthday early at Ehub today. Ate at [forgot the name again!] and took lots of photos but am gonna upload some of it only. Bought Belgium chocolate cake for the girls and it was really nice plus abit of wine taste but were told it was not wine (= Had a joyful day and shall not go into details as am really really tired to type everything out. Watched 'The Coffin' and it was ... ... ... ... Should have watched 'High School Musical 3' again instead, wasted! Bus home after show as aunt coming over. Anyway H A P P Y H A L L O W E E N! =D
And hope you girls love the gifts!

`Two Hundred And Three
at9:23 AM
Overdue photos from BIT chalet. Finally arrange photos and shall upload only a few of it (=
`Two Hundred And Two
Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at7:33 AM
Am having terrible C.R.A.M.P.S! gosh! Had been kind of fine till afternoon when I drank that ice lemon tea. =,-" Felt terrible and suffer for the rest of the day! Totally no mood to concentrate the whole day in school! No mood to study and stuff. Went to TM after lesson as Xiuhui wanna get a new sandals? But was walking or should I say dragging myself around and bought lots of snacks home. Skipped dinner as the feeling of cramp is really enough to make me full. Bus home and halfway through daddy called and fetched m from the bus-stop to home so I can skipped walking home. It's a really long road I swear. Felt really tired now, off to bed.
`Two Hundred And One
Sunday, October 26, 2008 at10:34 AM
A short post before I am off to bed. Slept at 12 plus last night and woke up at 12 plus in the morning. It seems like it had been sometimes I last slept for 12 hours. But still, AM TIRED!
Did lots of shopping today I supposed. Bought lots of stuff! But still not yet satisfied? heee... Gonna continue tomorrow? * cheeky smile*
Oh well, learnt my lesson today. NEVER EVER EVER EVER EAT CORN WHILE WATCHING A MOVIE! Was watching 'Tropic Thunder' while eating corn and accidentally drip the sauce or whatever you called it on my top and that's it! oil stains! gosh! Mum and I tried to remove it as it's not cheap alright! Really hope it will work! Shall wait till tomorrow to see the result!
Alright off to watch Crayon Shinchan. I am so addicted to it again. Hundreds of episode to go.
P.S. So so so addicted to songs from high school musical 3...
`Two Hundred
Saturday, October 25, 2008 at8:42 AM
Just a short post will do. Terribly tired! Woke up at 8 plus today and went to meet ciia and went ah yi's house to see Hyden (=
Left after an hour plus and accompany her to dental and off to meet prilly. Walk around and decided to watch 'High School Musical 3'. Can't wait till next week! Sweet, nice, wonderful show! Went to buy the soundtrack after the show and this is it.

[ Anyway, that's the file that comes together with the disc. ]
Jun Xian came to meet us for dinner and we had a great time during dinner. Alright, I am super duper tired. Night All!
P.S. I so wanna get the High School Musical 3 calender!
`One Hundred And Ninety Nine
Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at6:55 AM
Attended the first lesson for french and like the subject plus ______ very much! Heee... Ended school 3 plus and it's consider early I guess? Bus home straight away as someone came over to repair the washing machine. After the person left, was watching videos and soon fall asleep. So damn tired! Woke up and still have not started on my homework yet. =X Promise gonna complete it by today and I hope so and promise not gonna sign in my messenger.ook In~

Ok, Off to homework~
`One Hundred And Ninety Eight
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at9:25 AM
Had breakfast at mac in the morning and then to school. Was suppose to have 2 hours of lesson only but in the end 5pm there is another. =,-"
OK, wanted to say this. Nearly lost my phone today and am damn careless but fortunately get it back? And now, can't wait for January to change my phone.
End first lesson at 12 plus and went for tutoring till 3 plus then back to school and waited till 5. That's really long hours can! Planning to take a afternoon nap actually! =X
Went off to cut my hair [like finally] at reds and now my hair is thinner! (= Not that messy and now I hope it won't curl easily =X
Am actually planning to do some tutorial work but was damn tired. Give me a break. Shall do it tomorrow I promise. (=
P.S. Miss curry
`One Hundred And Ninety Seven
Monday, October 20, 2008 at8:35 AM
Count myself lucky! When I received my timetable, I doesn't have a CDS! Went to school and waited for more than 2 hours for the adding of cds! Can you imagine that?! A really long long waiting time alright! But I manage to get the cds I wanted! French! Can't wait for the first lesson man! This semester, timetable is fully packed! Gosh! Give me a break... ...
Gonna enjoy the first week as only studying for 2 hours everyday cause no labs and tuitoral for the frst week~~ Weeee!
This is what rena took during the 2 hours of waiting time.....

After our cds was settled, we headed down to TM and have our dinner plus movie~ Rena meet us after her cds and finally get to watch 'The House Bunny' and it was really funny man! never feel bored throughout the show!

Took this and it's really hard to capture their face due to the lightings! Love Sharpay~
Just can't wait for the show to be on screen! =)
P.S. 5 minutes more to 12 and left another 3 more days~
`One Hundred And Ninety six
Sunday, October 19, 2008 at6:56 AM
Was complaining that the weather is getting hotter and hotter each day then it starts raining today, whole day! Love the cooling weather (=
Went Orchard [I felt that it's becoming my second home soon] and shop. School reopening tomorrow and today I shall enjoy my last day of holidays. Plan to get clothes but in the end only a pair of slippers. All the clothes that I was eyeing since last week were gone! damn it! should have gotten it when I saw it! Packet dinner home and I realise there's a lot of food! finish them all and it has been a long ever since I eat that much. Did mask 10 minutes ago and hope that I could get to bed as early as 11pm? Hope so as tomorrow waking up early to school.
`One Hundred And Ninety Six
Saturday, October 18, 2008 at9:27 AM
Woke up early and went tutoring. After which went home and watched show but soon fall asleep. Woke up and went Orchard with mum and dad to watched 'Max Payne'. Great show and it's damn exciting! People go watch go watch~
So in love with these cups~

P.S. Am counting down...It had already past 12 so 5 more days...Tralala~
`One Hundred And Ninety Five
Friday, October 17, 2008 at7:06 AM
Hasn't been blogging for days and here's a short one. Had been tutoring since Monday and went aunt's house yesterday and today. Took some photos but lazy to upload it. So just this one picture. (=
Felt tired easily this few days and now school is starting in two days time. Feel even more tired now after thinking of school starting. Shall sleep early today as waking up early tomorrow. Night all~
P.S. Craving for carrot cake~
`One Hundred And Ninety Four
Sunday, October 12, 2008 at9:54 AM
Went Orchard with mum and Dad to catch the show ' Eagle Eye' and it was a really nice show. Exciting and the storyline was damn good. Went on to meet up with half of the 5A peeps and Mr Lee at bugis and had steamboat for dinner. Ate meat but mostly different types of mushrooms and I felt like I am a vegetarian =,-" lolx.
After dinner, went to watch 'Connected' and it was nice too. Cab home and here I am sitting infront of my lappy blogging when my eyes is already half closed. So night all~
Group Photo
`One Hundred And Ninety Three
Saturday, October 11, 2008 at5:51 AM
Today is Hyden's baby shower and so spend half the day at aunt house. Went to her the previous day as well to help her with the red eggs and to nail the puzzle up on the wall. Was suppose to dye 50 eggs red but in between the process, we broke some and I ate it =X Can't eat too many eggs or I would be breaking lots of it! *evil grin*
End of the day, 4 eggs gone left with 46. Both of our hands were red too. =,-"
Laze around and in fact was watching television the whole afternoon beside playing with the other babies and eat. Mum realised I ate another 3 eggs today and so no more eggs for dinner. Argh! Went off around 3 plus as dad's lappy had virus and someone came over to remove it. Was suppose to ask the guy to help me too as I couldn't play SIMS but when he's around, it works! =,-" So should have stayed at her house instead =(
And here's the one more day to one month old boy (=

`One Hundred And Ninety Two
Thursday, October 09, 2008 at9:45 PM
I am so damn tired! Woke up as early as 7 plus in the morning yesterday and couldn't get back to sleep. Went to do my nails and spend almost two hours there but am so satisfied with it! (=
Now my whole body is aching like shit and no matter how long I slept is never enough. I guess I would spend the whole day at home rotting. Off to play games~

It's suppose to be shiny but in the photo it looks so transparent =,-"
`One Hundred And Ninety One
Wednesday, October 08, 2008 at4:45 AM
Went Wild Wild Wet in the afternoon and the weather was not really that sunny but still, I am darker! Grrr...But still, it's fine with me to go for tanning sometimes :P
Meet Stal and went to eat at restaurant. Food was not bad and the garlic chicken really taste great (=

My puzzle is still not completed yet. Have not touch it for weeks and I am lazy already =S And for now, am thinking should I cut or not cut my hair?
P.S. Miss the Bacon fried rice =X
`One Hundred And Ninety
Tuesday, October 07, 2008 at8:20 AM
It has been one week ever since I last blog and here I am. (=
Stay at home yesterday as mum took MC last minute plus aunt and Hyden came over too (=
Took this picture of him while lying on my bed (=

Went to Orchard for zillion times already and since last Saturday =,-"
Received call from Senghong yesterday and asked me to go Orchard and so I went today AGAIN. Had lunch at a restaurant which I forgot the name and the Bacon fried rice is wonderful! Damn delicious and he ate dessert. How ya! Did I mentioned that it was his treat? how sweet of him (= Watched 'My Best Friend's Girl' at Cineleisure and then S H O P P I N G!!!! Shop alot and end of the day we gotten lots of stuff! After the show, went to money changer and he change Aust money and I keep on pestering a Aust note from him but he only got a hundred bucks one! grrr....Next time gonna pester him to get me stuff from Australia! *evil smile*

Gotten home and asked Dad to frame up the puzzle for me. TADA~! All done! Gonna gave it to Hyden as his First month's present (=
It's cute isn't it? *Grin*
P.S. I update already binbinbinbinbinbinbinbin (=