`Two Hundred And Fifteen
Thursday, November 27, 2008 at7:49 AM
Had left my blog untouch for a week?As I'm terribly busy for this semester!
-Finish French listening and writing test yesterday (=
That would be 40% of the subject completed?
But still, 6 more subjects to go! damn it!
Went to Expo today for the Sitex fair and dad bought a camera which he's gonna collect it tomorrow. Still persuading dad to buy me a red lappy and I still have got a day to try my luck as we are returing there tomorrow again. *Grin*
Tomorrow shall be the last day for me to go shopping and start to study for the upcoming term test! Hasn't been revising my work (except french) and tests is like next 2 week!
Anyway, gonna enjoy fully these 2 days and go shopping! Oh ya! Did I mention that I bought August a Christmas dress plus hat?! my god! It's so cute!!! I'm already in my Christmas mood and can't wait for it.
So here's a photo of her (=

`Two Hundred And Fourteen
Friday, November 21, 2008 at9:12 AM
Had been busy with school stuffs lately, mainly projects. Went to kaixuan house for project and his dog is cute!! but it tried to bite me twice =X Spent like hours doing pom project and when all of us were brain dead, we went TM to watched 'Beverly Hills Chihuahua'. It was super nice! Still waiting for wildchild to be on screen... ...
Gonna spent another saturday for project again. Damn it. But still, considering shopping after stuff is done *Grin*
Off to bed as waking up at 9am tomorrow =,-
`Two Hundred And Thirteen
Saturday, November 15, 2008 at8:03 AM
Saturday equals to sleeping day but instead, went to airport to do project! I hate assignment and I hate projects larx! books and notes are piling up my table and I am so tired everyday to pack it! Ate breakfast at burger king and am lucky to have the last breakfast burger (=
Complete the project by 2 plus and ate popeyes mashed potato! ^^
Went to Bugis to watch 'Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa' and it was freaking funny! Great show and we walk to raffles place after the show. On the way there, a funny uncle stood in the middle of the road just to take a shot of the lighting there. LOL. Then went on walking till we reached marina square and had our dinner there, awful want I must say. All of us didn't finish the food. I ate ban mian and it was terribly awful. The utensils smell too. Gosh. While waiting for dad to pick me up, bought chocolate frap. It taste bitter! The standard is getting from bad to worst. =X
`Two Hundred And Twelve
Tuesday, November 11, 2008 at6:58 AM
Am sick and thus never went school today. Throat was terribly painful and plus the flu = half dead. Went to see doctor yesterday and instead of writing down your illness, they wrote it in the LCD. So cool! Am I the one that have not been seeing doctor for a long time or it had change for a long time?
Did nothing but sleep almost the whole day except watch some shows. Rain's Album is finally like out! and bought it on sunday. *Grin*
Was doing tutorial but doesn't seems to understand so I gave up. Play pet society but am terribly poor larx! If can buy me stuffs! ^^

Took this like on Sunday and only manage to upload it now =X
Hope that my throat could recover fast so I could eat stuff like CURRY! Feel so tsk when I could not eat this and that!
`Two Hundred And Eleven
Friday, November 07, 2008 at6:50 AM
Looooooong day.
Super tired. Shall post a short one and off to bed.
School ended at 1pm and went to prilly's house play cards and surf the net till 5 plus and off to school for the frisbee game. Had late dinner and off home.
Throat hurts like shit.
Eyes half close.
Off to bed.
Night all.
`Two Hundred And Ten
Thursday, November 06, 2008 at6:56 AM
School was fine I guess and am simply lazy to go into details and so here are some photo Rena's took during tutorial.

Went dinner with aunt and her friends then mum and dad came to join us. Back home and played pet society for awhile.
Tired. I am very tired with everything. I need a break seriously.
Not gonna do or say anything much. Mum was right. Shall listen to what she said. Mum and dad were there for me everytime. Listen to me and advice me.
Not gonna do or say anything much. Mum was right. Shall listen to what she said. Mum and dad were there for me everytime. Listen to me and advice me.
Off to do tutorial work.
`Two Hundred And Nine
Wednesday, November 05, 2008 at7:51 AM
Great now's the happy one!
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y 1 7 t h R E N A K U A Q I U H U A!!!!!!!!! *hit the drum*
Finally the lil sister's birthday is here. Happy right? No more suan-ing session except the survey person, haa. Go find her and do it next year? haaa, Don't kill me when you read this. Xb
Ate pepper lunch in the afternoon and on the way back to school, my heels that I wore for interview was broken. Wuahaha! Excuse to buy a new shoe (=
Bought and cab back to school. Interview was... ... Went to 85 for dinner and ate lots of stuff but forgot to snap photos of the food.
Went to the saucer and it has been a long time since I last went there and we snap photos like no body business but didn't upload the ugly ones =X
Love french classes and the video that was shown today was damn cute!
`Two Hundred And Seven
Tuesday, November 04, 2008 at7:20 AM
Slept as early as 7plus yesterday! and I slept for *counting... around 14 hours! (=
No more complain tiring, no more falling asleep in school. ^* and 1 more thing! I so damn love going to school~ WEEEEEE! *ahem*
School ended at 5pm and went TM packet lots of food for dinner. Went to collect my skirt for tomorrow but... ... ... damn pissed off larx! #$!!##!# annoying...If I write out my complain will be 5 pages long. Shall do this when I am super free.
Gonna do my tutorial work tomorrow and am craving for jell-O [ not the one I bought alright!]
Damn tired and I wanna eat Disney restaurant again!!!! Sick and tired of everyday routine and found another interesting magazine to read and that also means that gonna spend more money each month =,-"
Played and super addicted to this!

Sniffy before changing her house

& Sniffy after she change her house! Pretty right? Love the ribbon and clothes!
P.S. Have not really revising my french yet...oh my....Shall do this over weekend (=
`Two Hundred And Six
Sunday, November 02, 2008 at5:57 AM
Went to spa today!!! My very first time and I can't wait to go again~!
Do body scrub and body massage. Super relaxing and after the scrub, my skin feel so smooth! Used to feel that my neck is stiff but after the massage, it's no longer stiff anymore. Love the deco, love the strawberry tea. It is really worth the money. Shall pester mum to bring me there often (=
Went shopping at suntec after spa and gotten myself a bag and skirt. Saw Jessica and the conversation go like this:
Jessica: Can I help you?
Me: *turn and look at the person and then
Jessica and I: Eh! HI! *then we laugh together
Was damn coincidence and we were chatting about french stuff and blablabla... She reminds me that I have yet practice my french.
Ate dinner and went home straight. Fall asleep while doing mask and this shows how tired I am and shall quickly do my sas tutorial work and off to bed early.
`Two Hundred And Five
Saturday, November 01, 2008 at8:49 AM
Changed the colour of my braces to dark blue today but instead I felt that it looks like dark purple to me. Never mind, it gonna last me for a month anyway. (=
Went to Jayden's one year old birthday party and he was really cute but still he only allows dad to carry instead of me and mum. Hyden wore the moo moo clothes that I bought for him and it was super duper cute! Shall upload it when I gotten it from aunt. Cake was nice too and it was super big with the word ONE and three sports car on it. I Love the red one. =)
Went cold storage bought jell-o without looking at the price and pass it to mum to pay and later we found out that it actually cost $14.60! mum was nagging and it seriously is expensive! =S but still, dad laugh at me =X On the way home while walking at the car park, saw a cat and next thing I know I was having hiccup =,-"
Off to bed soon as shopping tomorrow (=