`Two Hundred And Thirty Two
Monday, December 29, 2008 at8:28 AM
School reopen today and I really wish that holidays didn't end so quickly, sad. Went back to school and seriously my brain is 70% switched off and still having holidays mood, hee.
Went to century square and watched 'Bedtime Stories' and it's really a great show and so all earthlings go watch it and I bet you wouldn't regret. (=
Off to Prilly's house to watch the 8pm show and home after which. Tomorrow is E-learning week which means no school *cheers for a while* but still gonna spend the day to do project. Someone pass me the knife please! :@ Projects are piling and I hope all this will end sooooooooooon.
Can't wait for the countdown and gonna spend it with my clique (=
P.S. Can someone tell me a bedtime story? *Grin* Anyway should I get a camera or a bag instead? =X
`Two Hundred And Thirty One
Saturday, December 27, 2008 at8:06 AM
Currently eating 'bak gua' while blogging and seriously I came wait for new year and I will definitely pester mum to buy lots of 'bak gua' and pineapple tarts for me! (=
Went out late today and reached orchard at around 5 plus and off to search for place to have our dinner as I am super hungry by that time. Wanted buffet and went to Park Hotel for it's buffet dinner. Damn delicious and I forgot to take photos of those pretty desserts =,-" Was busy eating huh...
Didn't manage to shop as we went out late so I guess tomorrow we will head to orchard again =,-"
Shall continue twilight (=

`Two Hundred And Thirty
Friday, December 26, 2008 at7:01 AM
MeRRy MeRRy ChRistMas~!!
Alright, I know it's a little late but still Merry Christmas! (=
Spend Christmas eve with the clique and we met up as early as nine in the morning for curry mee at Chinatown and off to central to do shopping~! Roam the whole mall many many times and actually we plan to have a BBQ but in the end, due to the weather we change our plans. We move on to plan with cooking spaghetti then it turn out we only left an hour to get home before our show start and so, we decided to packet food from burger king. Went to buy Monopoly and it's play by using cash card!! Alright, I know I am crazy over it =X
Aunt came over with Hyden and Yizhang to gave mum and dad a surprise. Mum bought log cake and so we cut the log cake together right after twelve (=
We exchange gifts after finish eating the cake and I have gotten Prilly's gift! (= love the banana pencil case and gonna use it once school reopen, okay why am I speaking about school again? =,-"
We exchange gifts after finish eating the cake and I have gotten Prilly's gift! (= love the banana pencil case and gonna use it once school reopen, okay why am I speaking about school again? =,-"
Spent the whole night playing monopoly till 5am then sleep. Can you imagine that we played it for nearly 5 hours?! haaa, it's really fun ok! And Rena is so damn funny! Can really see people forced to sell property in real life, lol!
Woke up late in the morning and sorry Rena! I seriously never hear you calling me! =( Woke up later than the time we said and dad packet prata as breakfast for us. Rena ate breakfast and rush off left with Prilly and Junxian plus me to watch the funny show =) Played online games till afternoon and they went home.
Went to Chinatown for a few hours and rush home as am having terrible cramps =X
Slept once I reached home till today and so it means I missed the 9pm show!!! =(
Project plans were cancelled last minute and it's stay-at-home day today
Watched video the whole day and my novel were left untouched since Christmas eve. Shall continue later on.
Mango Log Cake (=
Our Presents (=
`Two Hundred And Twenty Nine
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 at8:57 AM
Christmas Eve now (=
Very Tired =X
Tomorrow enjoying~
Love this photo
I am very blur now
Don' know what I am typing, Damn sleepy.
Off to read one more chapter before bed. (=

`Two Hundred And Twenty Eight
Monday, December 22, 2008 at8:09 AM
Damn it. My waist hurt whenever I attempt to turn and I don't know how I hurt it. Meet up to do project and off to meet mum at Tiong Bahru to do nails for Christmas and my nails look pretty now (= 2 more days to Christmas and am already in Christmas mood~
But still before that, have to complete project =X
Before my blood dried up due to chatting with Junxian, I shall complete my part for sas first.
`Two Hundred And Twenty Seven
Sunday, December 21, 2008 at8:28 AM
S.H.O.P.P.I.N.G D.A.Y TODAY!!!!!
Watched 'Ip man' today and I find it a good show (=
I actually booked the wrong timing for the show. Suppose to be 3.20pm show today and I saw wrongly and booked 3.20am!!! Lucky the girl was kind enough to change the time slot for us and I bet we are not the only one who booked the wrong timing! seriously I should try to get used to the 24-hrs format.
Went shopping after the show and bought lots of dresses and stuffs! Gotten almost everything I wanted except heels. Shall hunt for heels another day (=
After shopping at orchard, daddy drove us to Chinatown for dinner and I am super in love with the 'guo tie' there. Damn delicious~
After dinner, went to shop around Chinatown and home sweet home (=
`Two Hundred And Twenty Six
Saturday, December 20, 2008 at8:36 AM
Watched 'Twilight' on Thursday and it was a NICE show (= Went parkway and bought the novels the next day. Start reading it and find the storyline quite good.
Went Orchard today with Prilly and we went hunting for Christmas gift today! Spend hours looking for it and really really very tired. Don't really feel like moving my mouth as the dentist change my braces wire today and I had the 'suan' feeling again and this time, it's green for Christmas =X
Bought aunt and mum presents as well and tomorrow will be my turn to get my Christmas present~ =D
Off to read novel~
`Two Hundred And Twenty Five
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 at7:41 AM
Did I mention I hate Kiwi? Don't ever offer me that as I will kill you! Seriously hate sour fruits!!!! Grrr....
Woke up 9 in the morning and went to meet Prilly and Rena For Kbox-session. Prilly and I waited for months!!! We are seriously crazy women inside! (=
Meet Jun Xian and we went arcade. The drum thingy is super tiring. Went off to watch 'Nick & Norahs Infinite Playlist' and the show was funny. Off to buy stuff and bus to Prilly's house. Watched the 9pm show and after the show, we all went crazy, Haaa! So fun larx. Shall do it again! Christmas eve probably? =X
Currently watching 'Full House' again although I have watched it like 2353442 times but still I love it! =D Guess I am just too free.... haaa

`Two Hundred And Twenty Four
Sunday, December 14, 2008 at8:15 AM
Had BBq for two days! (=
Yesterday was decided last minute and woke up as early as 7 plus to go market with aunt to buy food. Carry heavy seafood and the smell was... ... scrub legs and hands once reached her house. Gotten cuts on my leg cause of the stupid crab! Went to sleep for the afternoon and then BBq at night. Ate abit and went to bed at 10 plus as I am really very tired! And Hyden wore Santa costume, damn cute~
Went Orchard today and didn't manage to bought anything!!!!!! =(
Went off home to change then meet ciia at parkway to buy Kenneth's gift and off to BBq at east coast. Thanks JIAN BIN for sending me home when I request and sorry to trouble you (=
See! I did say things good about you alright? Oh ya~! Thanks for the two sticks of satay that took you like 2 hours plus to cook it although one eaten by Lloyd, wuahahahahhaa~
Come my house swim swim one day (=
Forgot to take photos larx! Grrr.... Or should I post your unglam photos from last year bbq? haaa...
Alright, I'm tired and off to bed...night Mr Bin after you read finish this, haaa.... Good right?! =D
`Two Hundred And Twenty Three
Friday, December 12, 2008 at8:25 AM
Test is finally over!!!! SWeeT~
Went Orchard once BA ends and I have not been to Orchard for damn damn long~
Went shopping~!
Bought a dress and shall continue shopping on sunday! *Grin*
Watched the show, 'WildChild' and find it really nice!
Halfway through the show, the little boy beside jun xian wanna go to the toilet was crawling his way through. Haaa, so cute.
Have no idea what I am typing and shall stop here.
Have not been sleeping good this few days and I am super tired.
Off to bed~

`Two Hundred And Twenty Two
Wednesday, December 10, 2008 at2:25 AM
I am super dupe duper tired!Woke up like 3 last night just to complete 2 topics of POM and till 5 I finish studying and off to bed till 6 plus. Lucky didn't spend time studying leading. Studied SAS at prilly house today and I so gonna score for the 9 marks question (=
Left with 2 more to go and I will fly like a butterfly~
Gonna enjoy the two weeks break and then face the reality, results =,-"
Vomited early in the morning while walking towards dad car and super unwell. Feeling better in the afternoon but mum still insist no oily food =X
Gonna catch some sleep before mum reached home together with my dinner =D
`Two Hundred and Twenty One
Saturday, December 06, 2008 at8:40 AM
Stayed at home today to study! =X
Spent the whole day and manage to FULLY understand the first 2 lectures!
This is why it took me entire whole day to cover only just 2 lectures!
-Woke up at 9am and online
-Fall asleep very soon and woke up at 12 plus
-Ordered delivery and hate lunch, as usual, couldn't finish! =X garlic bread wasted ='(
-While eating on the tele so even I finish my meal but I still have to finish watching the show right? haaa, crap =X
-Continue studying and awhile more phone Prilly and chat on the phone for a while and went back to bed! =S
-Woke up ate dinner and watched tele again =,-"
-Continue with revising and went out to 7-eleven to buy sandwich as I am super duper hungry
-Bury into books again and soon complete the both chapters, and I mean really fully understand =D
This is how I spend my day and shall continue the remaining 3 lecture and I shall finish microecons and start on EBM (4 lectures).
Tomorrow daddy is going for morning jog and I will accompany him. (Rena stop laughing!) Hope that he is able to wake me up. =,-"
`Two Hundred And Twenty
Friday, December 05, 2008 at7:19 AM
Since I am so freeeeeee, I am here to update again (=
Second post of the day =X
Just came back from a walk at the connector down my house and how I wish Bailey is here =(
Taken this yesterday at aunt house.
Say he's cute (=
`Two Hundred And Nineteen
at5:08 AM
Finally I went home early on a friday. Reached home early and manage to take a nap till 8 plus but am still tired =X
Last day of school today (= Took this photo during tutorial =b
Guess which is my hand =b

Ate chicken rice for both lunch and dinner =X Now am feeling terrible... *Puking soon*
Have not been going for shopping and movie session for weeks or should I say months? Gonna go shopping once exams ended! =) But for now, shall study first =X
Ok, saw MR BIN today and he's such a good boy horx! accompany his mum for lunch huh? haa...
And he ENJOYS it very much and said lucky he did not ate fast food, haaaa. Right? =b
Am still very tired. Shall try to sleep early =D
`Two Hundred And Eighteen
Thursday, December 04, 2008 at2:43 AM
French quiz over and something happen and I shall get over it =X
Left with culture quiz 2 and role play which means I have gotta do memorise script! Shall worry about that next year, haa.
Went to aunt house in the afternoon and was playing with Hyden. He's now able to react when you play with him! He was smiling and laughing when aunt is trying to coax him to sleep. Gee, not an easy job. =X
Book a cab to school as it was pouring chat and chien! Reached school and this is what the driver said,
Driver: You wouldn't get caught in the rain right?
Me: yup. *step out of the cab
Guess what? My hair is wet and I quickly ran towards the lift. He stop infront of the shelter! %@# *#@!!!!
Clever huh? =,-"
Am terribley hungry now and waiting for mum to buy food home. Hope I would faint before she reached home. =X
`Two Hundred And Seventeen
Wednesday, December 03, 2008 at8:19 AM
School was absolutely not fun! =X
Not really looking forward for the 2 weeks holidays as those days were used for projects as well. Kill me. Decide to give camp a skip as gonna accompany daddy to the camera workshop.
Having culture quiz like tomorrow and there's 7 slides of powerpoint to study. Read through 4 and left with 3 more to go. Shall continue tomorrow since I have got 3-4 hours break. My eyes are half close now. Was ... but am off to bed.
`Two Hundred And Sixteen
Monday, December 01, 2008 at6:04 AM
It's 1st of December and I'm only left with 9 days to quickly study for test.
And still I'm playing pet society! =X
Shall stop the crap here and off to study~
Because of these I choose to update my blog. =)