`Two Hundred And Fifty Two
Monday, March 30, 2009 at9:17 AM
I am tired, very tired, very very TIRED!
Will go to bed straight after finish blogging.
Went out with cousins today for shopping! Bought a couple of stuffs for school and went to watch 'Confessions of a Shopaholic'. Girls will really loves this show! Love to watch all those nice stuffs in the show and after watching the show, it makes us wanna go shopping again!!! But I went off to meet aunt and we both have our hair cut (=
Dinner together after our haircut and went home.
P.S. Going shopping again on Thursday with the girls! (=
`Two Hundred And Fifty One
Saturday, March 28, 2009 at7:40 AM
Was staying at home till yun called and together, we meet up with gui to play L4D at park lane!
That's my first time there and I felt even more comfortable playing there. Damn fun playing with them. Except the part where they left me outside nearly dead! Grrr... =X
Went to aunt house after that as her mum in law cook but still I package dinner there as I don't eat seafood.
Shall sleep early tonight as tomorrow gonna wake up super super early.

`Two Hundred And Fifty
Friday, March 27, 2009 at8:42 AM
Meet up with gui and yun at VivoCity and watch 'Coming Soon' on Tuesday and the show was not as nice as I expected but some of the scene scary though. After the show was actually playing with the water at the sky park wondering where to go next and then we decide to go cineleisure for L4D. My god, was super addicted to it! Now this is where I am gonna spend most of my money on =X
Watch 'Hotel For Dogs' with rena and jx the next day as usual at cineleisure and it was super nice. I mean, movies that involve dogs all nice alright (=
Went to play L4D again and and and damn it, I don't wanna stop playing! Left at 5 plus and went to meet mum and dinner at Tiong Bahru.

`Two Hundred And Fourty Nine
Friday, March 20, 2009 at7:14 AM
My first post after returning from Aussie. I have had a GREAT time and don't wanna come back!
I post only a few of the photos because seriously, we taken over a thousands of photos and I am not kidding!! Over a thousand! Can't believe it.
First day was all the way on the plane so one day gone.
Second day, It's free and easy so we went for shopping! Luckily our hotel located near the shopping mall so it's super convenience for us. I finally bought my handbag!! Luckily I did not buy before I went Aussie. Shop all the way till night and went back to hotel.
Third day, we went to the paradise country farm. Saw koala and took photos with it and kangaroos. Had our lunch there and proceed to see the sheep shearing. It's so relaxing to live with animals! Shall consider living at the country side and rear some sheep when I grow old, wuahahaha!
Went to the Habourcentre for shopping as stuff they sell there are from factory outlet so it means it's cheaper! Shop till the van came to pick as up and went back to our hotel area for more shopping and dinner.
Fourth day, went to Movieworld! The buildings inside were so pretty! It makes one feels like living in the world of fairytale! Great! Sat rides that I dare and watch the 4D show, Shrek. With all the water spraying and the air blowing resemble spider crawling under your legs, It was wonderful! How I wish all movies are 4D so that it will be be even nicer! Was wondering around and then there is a live show of different movie characters. Characters like batman, ScoobyDoo and etc. The whole day was spend in Movieworld.
Fifth day, Went to dreamworld. About the same as Movieworld but with more rides and exclude those Looneytoons character. Some of the rides are super scary so I exclude that. Sat rides and shop at those souvenir shops and I swear that the stuff they sell at Movieworld and dreamworld are so tempting! Since day 2, I have been buying and buying! Gee, don't dare to calculate how much I have spend there. Went to the beach in the evening and it was super windy and clean! Great wave for surfing.
Last day, did last minute shopping at the airport and board the plane back.
`Two Hundred And Fourty Eight
Saturday, March 14, 2009 at5:19 AM
Feel like puking after drinking a cup of Ice Chocolate with CREAM on top!
Alright, this is gonna be my last day online in Australia and not gonna waste anymore money using the net in the internet cafe.
`Two Hundred And Fourty Seven
Friday, March 13, 2009 at4:34 AM
Currently using the net in the Internet cafe at the hotel and it's 9.35pm.
Going to bed early after the time is up and waking up super early tomorrow!
It's 2 hours different from Gold Coast and Singapore. Imagine waking up 6.30am here but it's 4.30am in Singapore! =X
Shop and bought super lots of clothing! Love here. The weather here is super cooling and I enjoying the breeze very very much! (=
People here are nice and should consider migrate here, haaa.
Online as today's trip ends early and forgot about the difference in time and no one is online except gui,haa!
I mean it's Friday and no one should be staying at home so early.
In here, people sleep early and eventually we sleep early too.
Appetite become bigger too and I just finish off 2 bowls of rice for dinner! =,-"
Alright, shall leave the rest after I go back.
Off to play some games and then off to bed~
P.S. So reluctant to go back larx... =(
`Two Hundred And Fourty Six
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 at10:48 AM
Here is one last post before my trip! (=
Went to watch 'Push' yesterday with the clique at Orchard and the show was cool! Oh, and and I am the one with the ability to control stuff/people to move around. I can never be the watcher as I can't draw! Grrrr....
Catch the show 'My Bloody Valentine 3D' with gui & yun and after so long I finally watch 3D movie again! Haaa, It was so real and I tried to touch the tree trunk end up being laughed by yun =,-" The show was gross and my god, trying to stop remember those bloody scene. =X
Went Kbox right after the show at Cineleisure and they charge at a very low price today! The very first time I paid so little and sang for sooo long. We sang till 12 plus and I cab home. Off to double confirm my stuff in the luggage~