`Two Hundred And Sixty Five
Friday, June 26, 2009 at10:01 AM

Oh ya, yesterday forgot to wish Rain.
Happy Birthday (=
`Two Hundred And Sixty Four
Thursday, June 25, 2009 at9:57 AM

Taken this at pizza hut on tues and man! He's growing fast!
Had a date with mum on sat night as dad had some company dinner and stuff so we decided to watch 'Ghosts of Girlfriends Past'. I wouldn't say it's not nice but with the jokes and stuff, it's quite nice.
I know this post is a bit late but celebrated father's day last week and gotten daddy a wallet and at night, went to watch 'Land Of The Lost'. It was amusing and really entertaining. Had always love comical show.
Caught the movie 'Monsters VS Aliens' the day after with gui at vivo city and it's in 3D form! I can still remember the last movie I watched which was in 3D form was the show 'My Bloody Valentine'! I do love show in 3D but the specs get irritating after sometime but as the matter of fact, 3D show is more entertaining (= And so, can't wait to watch 'Ice Age 3' in 3D!
As for today, it is mum's birthday and bought her a diamond ring which she always wanted and dinner at Thai Village and got her a chocolate cereal cake that caught her in surprise as she totally didn't know me and aunt got the time to buy cake. Watch 'Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen' and I totally Love that movie! All that robots and transforming, it was totally cool! How I wish I have got one and it better be a red one (=
Once again, Happy Birthday Mum, Love ya... (=
`Two Hundred And Sixty Three
Saturday, June 13, 2009 at9:03 AM
Tick-Tock, the clock strike 12 and the first week of holidays is coming to an end. Sad isn't it? Wasn't as meaningful as I thought it would be but still, looking forward to the long term break after this semester passed. Books didn't leave me an inch despite the holidays and I'm still memorising while others could enjoy their holidays. =(

Well, went bugis just now and had this for dessert! It was really nice but but but I finish it myself and I am getting sick of the chocolaty taste right now. I think imma gonna skip chocolate for at least a month. Watch, 'Blood: The Last Vampire' at iluma and gosh, I freak out at severe scene due to the super loud system. But it's still because of the loud system that I enjoyed watching there, contradicting right? Kind of. The show wasn't as gore as I expect it to be as the rating for it is M18, that's the part I find it funny. Seriously, no gore in the show.
Oh ya, did I mention I bought the tickets to the Liverpool match in Singapore? haa.. Watching it with mum and dad but still, it's a month away but time flies, can't wait to see those players live!
Anyway gonna head to bed as soon as I finish reading the remaining pass of the FTT theory as imma waking up super early the next morning.
`Two Hundred And Sixty Two
Tuesday, June 09, 2009 at7:15 AM

Life have been great and and and did I mention I bought Sims3 last week?! OMG! It's fabulous! wonderful! (=
Got lots of improved and nice stuff inside! Love my red sport car the most! =D
Gotten a cute thumb drive with the shape of a diamond.
Watched 'State of Play' and 'Terminator Salvation' few days back and I love the cinema at iluma. The sound system are great and powerful and will often go there for movie in future. Getting bored of all those games I've been playing except Sims3 =)
Long time haven't take photo with this lil boy here. He's growing fast! and shall find him tomorrow =)
As for now, off to my Sims3~!
P.S. Alright I miss shopping! =(