`Two Hundred And Sixty Nine
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 at8:06 AM

Alright am back to blogging. Kind of pissed off as I don't know how on earth will my 3000+ photos taken at the Liverpool match was gone so guys, no photos ='( Damn damn DAMN! AND don't ask me why!!!!!!!! :@
But anyway headache was finally gone (without
Finally 3/4 done with the OTBS but still, a little bit more to go and I am glad that we are progressing. (= Plus Plus! Went for the TNS briefing and so so so excited about the 3 weeks stay! But I wanna live together with Prilly and Rena! Oh man, let us be in a class and should I call it house? hahahaha....
Dinner with ah yi and parents at 85 market and I sure do miss the bak cho mee, chicken wings and satay! (= And and and!!! We ate durian!!! Muahaahahha! Shall eat durian tomorrow if possible! hahahah...
Alright, gonna sleep before twelve and shall update my blog again!
Night all~
`Two Hundred And Sixty Eight
Saturday, July 25, 2009 at8:10 PM
Having mad headache now and it's killing me. Shall blog for awhile and off to bed then. I have decided to start blogging all over again. Have been very lazy to update my blog and now I shall do it like often. Watched 'Ice Age 3' a couple of weeks back and in 3D! Plus 'Harry Porter and the half-blood prince' and it wasn't really nice as compared to the previous 5s.
Went to watch the match Liverpool VS Singapore at the national stadium. I'm in red and all so ready for the match. Liverpool fans are packed at the stadium! It's my first time been to watch a soccer match (= Took thousands of photos (I'm not kidding) and shall upload a few more the next time round due to the splitting headache. Couples of funny stuff happens during the match such as a person wore ManU Tee and the Liverpool fans were so worked up till it involve the police. In the end, the poor guy took off the Tee and wore the Liverpool Tee. I mean don't he know that's the Liverpool game? =,-"
By the end of the match, the score is 5-0. Still, I enjoy watching the match (=
`Two Hundred And Sixty Seven
Wednesday, July 15, 2009 at7:48 AM
Taken few weeks back, finally we snap a photo again! (=
I have a whole chunk of To-Do-List!
I need:
-more OPI colours to stop me from visiting medi shop
-neck massage before my neck breaks
-an organiser to keep everything in place so that I wouldn't always forget stuffs!
-eat durian before the season is over!!! *drooling
and many many more!
I also want to learn
-Korean and french language
-Korean and french language
but only after I finish learning driving and swimming.
`Two Hundred And Sixty Six
Wednesday, July 01, 2009 at8:38 AM
This week wasn't a good week for me. But well, not bothering over it.
Projects will soon be due which means that I am getting busier each day!! Oh boy! Hoping this semester will end quickly.
Did I mention that McDonald is having the garlic chili again?! ever since they don't provide garlic chili, I have stop eating mac then it's back again! Will eat mac often from now on and I am craving for the pancakes now (=
Oh ya, pass my FTT weeks and weeks back and driving lesson is coming up next! Oh boy, I hope the first lesson turns out well. (=
Turning in soon as I haven't been sleeping well lately and lesson will only starts at 2pm tomorrow! I LOVE THURSDAY! (=
Gonna meet up with ciia, kutoo and jb for dinner and afterwards K session!
Last but not least, hi and bye ciia. hehes.